Key verse: John 15:12
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
John 15:10-15
Love is commonly described as affection someone has towards another, among many other definitions one of which is also based on sexual desire. The latter definition is much more common in the world. But love is much more than that. The Lord has shown us what love is like and has demanded that we love according to His laid down standard. In the story He told us about the Good Samaritan, we saw a man who had compassion on a weak person. He did not just have compassion and speak about it; rather, he moved to ensure the state of the weak was changed for better not minding if the fellow was of his race, color, status or what have you. That, He explained, is love shown to a neighbor.
The Lord showed us love by receiving us and dying for us when we were yet terribly filthy, difficult and ugly. He wants us to reciprocate the same. Back in the days, we attended parties with wads of minty currency notes to “spray” the same on our peers and friends. We passed beggars who needed a meal to survive but the best we did was to choose the miserable note or coin, if available, left in the pocket and worth nothing to us to throw at them. One day, we realized our folly and would rather share part of the minty currency notes with them before entering the venue of party. Why? Because that is how to show love. They are not able to pay back. One of the times, we met a lot of children of another faith and race begging on the Streets while we drove in air-conditioned car. One day we stopped and gave these children the highest denomination of the country’s currency at the time. They were more than ten. They roared in a way that everyone wanted to know what happened and even the air in the vehicle changed.
For us to obey the command of the Lord therefore, we must offer to the weak around us devoid of race, status, color and all, what we have for ourselves and not less. Christ offered us to be beside Him in heavenly places far above principalities and powers away from snares, bonds and yokes. What He has, He gives us. He wants us to give precisely what we have to others who are weaker. That is how to love as ourselves. Many find it difficult to do. For as much as we don’t do it, we disobey the Lord. But as many as do it, are already walking like the Christ Himself. Will you also be Christ-like? Obey Him, please.
Pray: Father, I don’t want to ever disobey you. Please help me to be loving as you are towards everyone that comes my way in the name of Jesus Christ.