Text: Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Bible Reading:
Revelations 2:12-17
The truth is constant. The ministry the Lord has committed into the hands of His followers is the ministry of reconciliation. Reconciliation between man and his Maker. It is abominable to God for any to place stumbling blocks before another with a view to having them offend God. It is interesting to find that many today rejoice when their perceived enemy falls or enters into a waterloo of sort. That is not the mind of God. Make your ways right before God and He will receive you. Stay away from the doctrines and teachings of the Nicolaitans which is about dominating the people you come into contact with or have been placed under your leadership. Be a servant leader like Christ instead. Focus more on good doing devoid of eating food sacrificed to idols. Don’t be hypocritical. For if you will overcome all these temptation, there is abundant blessing awaiting you part of which is access to the tree of life and bearing a new name that gives you unending joy. Today as you pursue your daily bread, ask yourself: assuming the Lord comes for His people today, will I be counted among? Do I really qualify to be called an overcomer? Am I not still obeying the voice of the enemy in my daily affairs? Am I truly a follower of Christ, one that is part of the church that is devoid of blemish or wrinkle? Adjust your ways today. Time is running out.
My father and my God, it will be traumatic to end up with the enemy after having strained myself to live a holy life; please Lord do not let me end up with the enemy. Make me an overcomer to the very end by your mercies in Jesus name.