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We are the righteousness of God in Christ

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: 2 Corinthians 5:21 - KJV

21. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

God is righteous. There is no unrighteousness in Him, at all. Man is ordinarily unrighteous because of the flesh which from time to time makes him to move unconscionably against his Creator. For this, God does not like man. Yet, despite the filth of man God loves him. Hence, while we were yet sinners, He loved us and died for us in fulfilment of His promise of old unto Adam and Eve and later, Abraham. As we therefore believe in the finished work of salvation, we attest to the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Deeper still, through the redemptive power in the blood of the Christ, we have been made to be like Him in righteousness such that like Him, though we do not like the filthy ways of those who are yet to come to salvation, we yet love them no matter what.

To be like the Christ is a tall order for the people of the world. Unless and until they surrender their lives to Him and allow Him take over the control of their lives, they are not able to love as they ought and therefore cannot be like the Christ. Those who have surrendered their lives and would not wrest it from Him again, have experienced a new life such that the flesh does not push them into wrong doing any longer and are now dwelling by the power of the Holy Ghost showing forth the righteousness of God that dwells in them. When the world sees them, they see a difference in them and do acknowledge not necessarily in words but by the way they now relate to them, majorly. We can also be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus if we decide henceforth to live by Him and obey all His commands. The benefits of doing so far outway all the vagaries of sin that pretends to bring momentary pleasure which ordinarily points to death in the end.

I pray with you: as you decide to stick with God through the Lord Jesus Christ from today, the world will very soon glorify the name of the Lord through you. As you become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you will shine as light henceforth in all ramification in Jesus name. You will never be thrown into filth again and when the Lord shall come for His own, you shall be there to reign with Him in Jesus Mighty Name. Stand firm in Christ Jesus and let His righteousness be visible through you. Blessed day!

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