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Abide in Christ

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Key verse: John 15:7 - KJV

7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:1-8

The Lord Jesus Christ specifically requests that we abide in Him. To abide in Him is, like Paul said, to live our lives through Him. That simply suggests that our lives are premised on and directed by Him. When Jonah was abiding in the belly of a fish for three days, he had no control over where he went and when he went there. This is a tacit example of abiding in someone. When we abide in Him, He becomes the determiner of our every action. It becomes easy therefore to know those who are truly abiding in Him, because like He said, by their fruits, we shall know them. Christ did not only request that we abide in Him, He also demands that His words abide in us. His words are eternal. They are spirit and they are life. When we allow His words to abide in us, they remind us of who we are and what is expected of us in every bit of our lives. Hence, whenever we observe anything that is contrary to His words, we are spurred into making amends. Like once explained, abiding in Him and having His words abiding in us is like throwing a foam into a bowl of water: the foam is in the water and the water is in the foam. For as long as the foam is in the water, the water remains in the foam.

When we heed the counsel of the Lord, there are great benefits. Firstly, anyone so abiding is not likely to ask after lust but primarily in pursuit of the Kingdom. Therefore, the same is not likely to ask amiss, and so, whatsoever he asks the Lord, he gets. Notice that he is being carried of the Christ and he has the words of Christ in him to guide him. So, his asking is geared by the righteous One and His words. There is no real and enduring success in life outside the word of God. Ask Peter! He had toiled all night with his friends catching nothing. Then at the word of Christ, he launched into the deep and caught a draught. He needed not ask the master for the draught; yet when he received the word and acted on it, he became a success at the same moment.

Beloved, perhaps the reason for the lingering toiling is the refusal to abide in Christ and have His words abide in you. If only you will allow His words to have root in you and start acting on that which you have heard! There is huge success beckoning if you will allow Him today.

Pray: Father, help me to find permanent residence in you and let your words reside in me so too for guidance into great success in Jesus name.

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