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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

All To The Glory of God

Focus: 1 Corinthians 10:31 - KJV

31. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:23-33

Happy New Month Beloved! Alas! It is the beginning of the last month in the year 2021. We have every reason to be grateful to God for where we are now. God has been faithful in keeping us under the shadow of His wings not allowing the enemy to put us into peril. But how have we been to this God who has been so kind to us? The mind of God is that those of us that are under His banner will, through our witnessing and particularly our actions, bring many more people to that same place of safety in Him. Hence, if there is anything we do, that may cause a person weak in the faith to be disappointed in the faith, then we ought to abstain from doing the same. Not because the act or deed in itself amounts to anything, but so as to gain the soul of the person concerned, we ought to do all necessary to ensure we encourage the person. For instance, certain things like eating some kind of meat, may not be absolutely prohibited of God. But to the weak in the faith, it may be seen as a wrong deed. Hence, if while seated at table, a person says or makes a gesture that suggests a person of the faith ought not to eat the meat because Moses said so, then we ought not to eat so as to strengthen the faith of the child of God until someday he also sees why it may not be sacrilegious. This we should do to assist the conscience of the child, not necessarily ours.

As the year is rolling to an end therefore, the Lord is inviting us to do whatever we do in love to gain our brethren unto the faith and not to disperse them by our actions. When we do so, it is for the glory of God we do these things and not just for the victim of our actions or inaction. God is particular about every soul and as it is His mind that none should be lost, that should also be our minds as saints operating in the ministry of reconciliation.

The Lord will back our actions done in faith to gain others into the Kingdom in Jesus name. This new month will be the beginning of our better living for the purpose of God in Jesus name. The name of the Lord will avail for us in all we do and the Lord Himself will support us in our plight to gain others in Jesus name. As we live to do all things to the glory of God, the Most-High shall this month bless us beyond all human imagination in Jesus name. Welcome to your month of Greatness. Happy New Month. Shalom!

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