Focus: Matthew 25:32-33 - KJV
32. And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
Matthew 24:36-42
It is not the mind of God that any should perish but come to repentance and be saved. Incidentally, however, it is impossible for the Lord to cohabit with filth or evil. Hence, even though God be Love and has no pleasure in anyone perishing, there must be a balance. The Lord has gone the whole hug for man to bring us back to Himself. Many yet call Him a liar and still prefer their filth and thus, destruction. In the manner of the goat, there is not much the owner can do to change it into gentleness and obedience. Unlike the sheep which is a gentle and tame animal, the goat is randy and queer. The Lord will rather have such evil and wicked people separated and kept away from the righteous and godly ones so that vices would not be reintroduced to the new earth which the Lord has planned. Therefore, when the Lord shall return in the manner in which He ascended and was seen by witnesses, it will be like the days of Noah and like it happened in the time of Lot. There will be a separation between the good and the bad: the good would be separated to His right and the others to His left. Only the good would have life, the others, damnation.
But what happened in the days of Noah and Lot? In the words of scripture, they did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the Ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Even in the days of Lot, they did eat, drank, bought, sold planted and built. In other words, life was going on as if the world was normal whereas the Lord was about to act to rescue His earth. Even today, things are as horrible like it was in the days of Noah and Lot, if not worse. Despite that, the operators have refused to heed the voice of the righteous, just like they have made names of the messengers of God and the Church of God now to look bad, while many are being deceived into perdition. That which the Lord has said He would do; He will soon do! It is important for us all to have a rethink and obey our Lord’s warning and commands before it becomes too late.
The Lord wants us to know that even though He has not revealed to anyone the time when the separation will happen, the signs He said to look for are all there now and He will shortly come. As no one has the capability of making it as a sheep by Himself, it is important we become watchful and pray, so that we may not be caught unawares and thereby be grouped with the goats. It is the Lord that will do the separation by Himself and He has the ability to draw to Himself, those that are His. Unfortunately, most of the evil we see in our days are being compartmentalized into politics and stuff. No, it is more serious than politics. It is that separation looms. As simple as it sounds, like Lot was separated from others that He may live and others died; and Noah was separated to live and others equally died, the Lord has left footprints enough on earth to warn about that which is about to happen. For those who will readily watch and pray, upon you will the mercy of God rest, just like Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord.
SOLUTION: Watch and pray for the time is imminent. Please do not discard the voice of God. Many are dying already who also heard the warning of the imminent appearance of the Lord. If they heeded the warning then, there heaven is settled. If they did not, well, it is a sorry case. Why not heed and not be sorry in the end? We are running out of time. Stop making merry but make changes that you may be received as a sheep.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for your glorious plans for me that I may come to an expected end which is the fulfilment of destiny. Please help me never to be drawn into disobedience and filth, so that I may remain forever your sheep, in Jesus’ name. As I go about my affairs this day and for the rest of my life, help me to remain watchful and prayerful towards your return, so that I may remain compliant. Please do not put me with the goats when you come, in Jesus’ name. Let me never fall prey of that evil one dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Help me never to make deals with the devil, in Jesus’ name.
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