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It’s A Trap

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Galatians 5:1 - KJV

1. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.


John 8:32-44


When we speak of redemption, we speak about being redeemed from the bondage we were kept in through sin. For the sinner is a child and slave of the devil and he does only things the devil have him do. He eats only when the devil permits – that is why many are kept in penury and hunger; and when he does allows his slave to eat, it is that he may be fattened towards being feasted upon in the end. Hence, the sinner is tied to the devil’s apron string otherwise called yoke. But those who are redeemed already have the yoke of bondage destroyed and are the children of God being at liberty to approach God and call Him Daddy. Unfortunately, many are shown liberty but get themselves entangled again, with the devil’s apron string, through their disobedience and lust. There is however no other sacrifice for sin than that which the Lord has offered with His own life. Meanwhile, when a freed slave reenters into bondage, it is never the pleasure of the devil to have him freed again. That is responsible for the early demise of many supposed believers who get entangled again: they are slaughtered before they could repent.


How do we determine entanglement? Those who refuse to surrender to the voice of their Creator in Jesus Christ to obey and do all that proceeds out of His mouth, operate in sin. Hence, whether it is that they did not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or they did but refuse to live by His words, they live by the lie of their father the devil who lied from the beginning and the father of lies. Christ Himself used these words for the Jews of His days, when they refused to believe Him, laying claim to the sonship of Abraham but seeking to kill the innocent. There are many today who also claim to belong to Christ but do things that are far from the prescriptions of Christ. Like Christ said those Jews were not of Abraham but the devil, it is good to also say that those so-called Christians are not of Christ but of the devil, for they do not hear Christ.


The Lord needs us to be clear about something: we either belong to God through Christ or we are of the devil. The earlier we begin to obey and do the commands of Christ, the better for us. There are many who are being lured out of the fold of Christ with enticing things of the world. They are only being led into snares with a view to entangling them into the yoke of bondage that they may return to slavery under the devil. It is better not to have tasted liberty at all and be in the devil’s bondage than to taste it and jettison it for bondage. Incidentally, while out of bondage, the believer’s activities of casting the devil out and such things hurt the devil. Hence, when the believer returns to be his meat, just imagine how so horribly he will be treated of the wicked. The Lord is therefore, counselling us to flee from everything that is not of God as it is not a blessing but a trap aimed at destroying the victim.


SOLUTION: Whatever is too sweet to behold may be a trap. The devil wraps them cleverly to bait the less committed. Even if you seem committed, the word is for you to be careful lest you fall. A fall is preceded by a slippery slope otherwise presented like a bait. To overcome, live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Christ.


Please pray:

Lord, I thank you for always making for me a way of escape from the traps of the enemy. Please continue to enlighten my inner eyes to decipher between your blessing and the trap of the devil. Help me never to get hooked by his trap ever, in Jesus’ name. No matter what the devil tries, do please keep me in obedience to you, my father and my God, in Jesus’ name. On this day, please break whatever hold the devil still has on me and every member of my household, O Lord, in Jesus’ name. Let me only be fed of you and not be lured to dine with the devil, in Jesus’ name.



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