Focus: John 15:7 - KJV
7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
John 14:12-14
Our God is the creator of the universe and He created us in His image and likeness so that in every way, we may be like Him. This means that, like He made many things just by calling them forth, He desires that we may do the same, as far as it pertains to the earthly realm, at will. Unfortunately, we bungled that capacity when we messed up in the garden. Nevertheless, He gave us a way out in the sacrifice of His only begotten son so that as many as believe in the Son can still be creative. What that means is that, if we can be in Christ by emulating Him, and let His word abide in us by knowing and meditating on it to know and do what He approves, we will ask what we “will” in His name and it will happen. This is different from asking anything in His name. Anything relates to what exists ordinarily, but what we will relates to whatever we can think up. We recall for instance that in the beginning, God’s will was for land to come forth out of water and He spoke it into being. The same is possible with our will, if we are compliant.
Peter was at the beautiful gate with John. He saw a man who had been paralyzed and dubbed lame since his muscles had given up and were dead. It was not the will of Peter that the lame be given silver nor gold. His will was that fresh muscles and veins be created for him that he may be active again. And because Peter had decided to abide in Jesus Christ, as against fishing at the lake, just as he carried the words of Christ in himself to realize that he could create if he asked in the name of the Lord in his standing, he caused his will to manifest by commanding the man to rise in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That was different from the disciples praying in the name of Jesus that Peter be released from prison. Both activities were done in the name of Jesus, but the one is assuming the power of creation through Christ, while the other is asking anything we need in His name.
The Lord is pointing us to a great benefit of being a believer which is lost on many. The essence of believing is being able to turn the world upside down positively, so that many may come to salvation through the instrumentality of the name of Jesus. When Peter explained how the creativity was made possible, many people believed and were added to the fold. How would they believe except there be signs and wonders? Creative signs and wonders are still happening, but in a very low dimension than the Lord intends. He has therefore sent out His word so that we may be guided into operating the creative prowess in the name of Jesus Christ by first abiding in Him, letting His words abide in us, and then asking what we will, in His name.
SOLUTION: God is not a liar. Were it not possible for us to create, He would not have told us to venture it. It is therefore important that we begin to engage in practical Christianity from today. If you ask what you will and it does not come to bear, it is either that you are still hobnobbing between Him and another, or you do not have enough of His word in you to ask according to what He can grant. Put the word to action from today.
Please pray:
Father, thank you for making me in your image and likeness so that I may be as you are on the face of the earth. Help me to be like you truly, in the name of Jesus. Do raise me up to the stature of the fullness of Christ such that, going forward, whatever I will, I may command into existence, in Jesus’ name. This very day Lord, I will that every dead or dying organ inside me be rejuvenated and given full life in the name of Jesus Christ. From now on, let signs and wonders follow all I do in your name, so that through me, your kingdom may be further populated, in Jesus’ name.
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