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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Attributes Of Love

Focus: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - KJV

4. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Colossians 3:12-14

The entire essence of Christian living and indeed life on earth is love. However, love is a general term that people use which may mean different things to different people and in different circumstances. But the love expected of a believer is the genuine one otherwise called agape, which is having to love one another despite our circumstances. To suffer hurt to win another’s love, may be viewed by some as foolishness, whereas that is the expectation of God from the believer. Aside longsuffering, he is expected not to envy anyone no matter who they are or what they have, and because he is meant to be of a lowly spirit, he cannot show forth pride in any form. Evil is not found in him, neither is he easily provoked nor selfish. No matter what is done to him, he bears and endures them, for the sake of Christ. Incidentally, he does not take liars but believes all things and rejoices only in truth, even as he has hope for all things.

By and large, the attributes of love are that the believer must of compulsion do things never to hurt any even if he is being hurt himself. He endures the hurt but pays back kindness so as to win the other with affection. Think about it: how do you cast a stone at someone and the same, rather than cast back the stone set it aside, approaches you gently to apologize for having hurt you? What is likely to be your response to same? I reckon, even if the aggressor is the devil incarnate and he is stern about relationships, for the fact of the show of love, he will first be disarmed by such action, even if the devil in him subsequently erupts. The believer should do all things possible to not aggravate anyone or deprive them of anything good but rather draw them nearer with a kiss.

Beloved, it does not matter what anyone has done to you that is hurtful, please draw the same nearer in love. Not the kind of love that the world points to, but that which the Lord commends. That fellow in your work environment that appear unloving or unlovable; or that fellow you consider toxic, may be there just for the Lord to test your love for the brethren. Casting the same away and not embracing him with your love will be a failure of the critical test for being a believer. Do all within your power to never give evil for evil. Indeed, never be found to do or speak evil at all, no matter the circumstance. As this eighth month comes to an end today, remember the one who first loved you despite all your sins and evil ways, and demands that you love others also even as He loves you. Please obey His request, and show love.

SOLUTION: Be deliberate about loving others no matter what.

Please pray: Father, thank you for bringing me to the end of another month. As this month ends today, let every root of bitterness and evil left in me be expunged completely by your Spirit in Jesus’ name. Do let your true love be rooted in me instead, in the name of Jesus. The grace to bear and believe all things and hope for all things, do give unto me going forward in Jesus’ name.

If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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