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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Avoid the Axe!

Focus: Matthew 3:10 - KJV

10. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

John 15:1-8

The harvest of the earth is ripe. God is ready to come for the harvesting of the vine with a view to nurturing the trees that bear good fruits that they may inherit the earth and continue in their fruitfulness while the others will be cut down and cast into fire. Of course, the trees are humans, you and I. The Lord has done all things necessary to make us into what manner of trees He wants us to be. Many have refused to yield to the efforts of God. Rather than produce good fruit, they keep yielding bad fruits or no fruit at all. No fruit at all is not different from yielding bad fruits as both are unprofitable. Of course, the good fruit is the fruit of the Spirit. Everyone involved in a vice or the other is at the danger of being hewn down. Yes, the axe is already laid and the gardener is only awaiting the final trump’s sound. That definitely is just imminent now. Acts which do not glorify God will be punished. God is not a destroyer. He already judged the destroyer and the final execution will soon come. But everyone who acts like the destroyer in disobeying God shall be equally judged and condemned to the manner of punishment reserved for the destroyer. And, because God is Love, He does not want any of us to end up in that situation. Hence, He keeps reaching out to us to forestall our destruction. If only we will yield to Him, then are we able to reign with Him and not be hewn down.

Pause to ponder on your ways today: assuming the trump sounds now, what will be your fate? Are you likely to hear the voice “come into the joy of your Lord?” or will it be “I know you not?” The way to ensure the good voice is to start producing good fruit. To do otherwise or procrastinate on when to start is to put one’s eternity in danger. Truth is: the place reserved for the devil and the fallen angels is not a place anyone should wish to be. Since these matters are not about wishes but realities borne out of our deeds, please ensure you bring forth good fruit from today so that the Lord may receive you to Himself in the end.

SOLUTION: The way to life is bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Ignoring to do so is a pointer to death and eternal damnation. Run away from the works of the flesh. They are destructive.

Father, I cannot survive without your help in this world of wickedness. Like you did for the thief on the right hand at your crucifixion: he never went to baptism, Bible Study or any religious activity, yet he made it to your paradise at your say so; please whatever it will take for you to bring me to yourself in the very end, do, that your name may be further glorified in my life. Don’t let me ever be hewn down in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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