Focus: John 3:5-6 - KJV
5. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Ezekiel 36:25-27
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. It is a formular full of filth and irritation which formular cannot stand in the presence of God. However, because of His love for man, and just so that man may be reconciled to Him after having messed up so badly, God made a new formular that would give man access to the Kingdom of God. He made His word to take the human form, got Him incubated by His Spirit so that technically, He was not just flesh and blood but born of the Spirit. Hence, the Spirit was with Him all through His earthly operations and He went about doing good as against what the flesh and blood formular would do. Once this formular succeeded in wresting the control of the earth from the enemy, He became a precedent for all who must enter the kingdom. Therefore, for anyone to enter the kingdom, the same must first be born of water, and then like the firstborn, of the Spirit.
Being born of water is a form of washing which happens by the word and is signified by being baptized. Though the new formular was incubated and born of the Spirit, He surrendered Himself to also be born of water through baptism at the hands of John, “to fulfill all righteousness”. Those who are born of water by such cleansing become entitled to Spiritual birth, if they decide to lead their life in conformity with that of the firstborn. When they are so born, they become entitled to ascend the hill of the Lord and to appear at will, before the throne of grace where the firstborn is currently seated at the right hand of the father. The Lord in His wisdom had promised this through the prophets when Israel was wayward and refused to live in holiness. He told them there was need for their cleansing, receiving a new heart and then the Spirit. This formular, He has put in place for us all to regain access to His presence where there is fullness of joy and pleasures evermore.
For us to be born of water and the Spirit is a spiritual affair and may not be clear to the simple. It is God’s formular for relationship and fellowship with Himself. If you are yet to be washed by the word of God which you hear regularly to the extent of making up your mind to follow Jesus’ way, then you are not entitled to baptism and may not get the Spirit to birth you. If, however, you will allow the word to cleanse you like water and decide for Christ today, without necessarily being dipped in water, the Holy Spirit can decide to birth you specially, like He did Cornelius and his household. It is a special grace that makes life simple. For, from the time you become born by the Spirit, you receive His directions and you start to be called children of God because that Spirit that gives birth to you, is God.
SOLUTION: The word of God that you hear, read or learn, let it form faith inside of you so that through faith, you can start to live the Christ kind of life. Get baptized as soon as practicable and yearn for the Holy Spirit. The evidence will show forth and you will by yourself affirm that you are not the same person again.
Please pray: Father, I want you in my life! Let your Spirit that gave me life never depart from me in Jesus’ name. Give me great stature in you like you gave to Christ in the name of Jesus. As I live by your Spirit, help me to fulfil destiny and inherit your Kingdom, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name.
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