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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Be focused on Heaven

Key verse: Luke 12:32 - KJV

32. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Luke 12:32-40

In Kingdom affairs, it is not so much the size that matters but the righteousness and focus of the flock. Fear, which is ordinarily a torment, has robbed many small sized congregations of their assurance of the Kingdom believing that they are nothing compared with the larger gatherings of men in the name of worship. But the righteous judge is not so particular about the size but the focus. Hence, if there be a little flock of heaven focused brethren who are in the attitude of waiting on the Lord for His coming and are not given to lust or worldly matters, God is quick to receive them ahead of a large crowd that is full of darkness but feigning righteousness.

In the parable of the ten virgins, all the maidens were to expect the coming of their groom. They all appeared ready to the casual observer. But some came with greater expectation and resilience while others were too casual in their approach. The ones that were casual in their approach, when push came to shove, did not mind stepping out to seek supplies. Meanwhile, outside are the dogs. For as long as they were outside, they were not focused on the return of the bridegroom. Therefore, when the bridegroom did return, He locked them out still, denying knowledge of them. It is not everyone that says Lord, Lord that is fit for the Kingdom. The bridegroom, if He cared about size would have allowed the dogs to also reenter. But He shut them out as only the ready was worthy of Him.

Beloved, for as much as God does not want any to perish but would have loved all to make the Kingdom, He is not moved by the numbers but by the sanctity of the available. He seeks those who are His image and likeness. He will not bring filth unto Himself because He is holy and detests filth. If we are a large congregation and find a filthy person ravaging the midst, to prevent the little leaven from leavening the bulk, we need to curtail such excess quickly. A crowd of filthy congregants will only be an impediment on the Kingdom. But a small flock of spirit-filled and heaven-focused flock is the delight of the Master. Don’t join the multitude because of their numbers. Look rather critically and discover the place where you will be nourished and nurtured in the way of the Kingdom. No matter how few they may be, if the Spirit of the Lord is resident in their midst, it is the joy of the Lord to give them the Kingdom. Join them, and don’t be the Achan in their midst.

Pray: Father, help me to be focused on your return that I may reign with you in the end in Jesus name

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