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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Be Good To All

Focus: Galatians 6:10 - KJV

10. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Galatians 6:7-10

Two Bible characters come to mind in today’s lesson – Saul and his son Jonathan. The linage of Saul was to perish because he had constantly sown to the flesh. He discountenanced God’s instruction, moved against the one that brought him succor in his madness and went about doing what he forbade everyone else from doing. Jonathan, on the other hand, rather than be on the side of the dad against an innocent young lad, rather helped the same to escape from premature death. When it was time to clear the entire linage, God spared one called Mephibosheth who was the surviving son of Jonathan. David showed the same some kindness for Jonathan’s sake. Now, because Jonathan sowed to the spirit, he reaped kindness and through him, the house of Saul was not extinguished. The moral here is that we all ought to do good to everyone we meet not knowing how the seed we sow will be rewarded in the end. More importantly, it is heinous to be less kind to members of the household of faith to which we belong. Howbeit that we claim to be brethren and we see our brother in need when we are adequately in position to assist, and refuse to assist the person? The assistance of Jonathan left an indelible mark in the memory of David that he could not forget. Whatever we do to the members of the household of faith, we do unto God. If David remembered, how can God ever forget?

Don’t because of the misbehavior of one person or another cease from rendering kindness to men. The qualification to your doing good is that it must be to all men. If you stop because of the evil of one person, you may be short-changing yourself by turning your back on the one through whom God has prepared for you a reward. Close your mind to what men who are accounted to be of evil thoughts continually, may do or have done to you. Rather, focus on the Lord that has promised you bountiful reward.

SOLUTION: Let love be the driver of your deeds. Do good to all men as if they are angels that do no evil and then don’t expect recompense from the recipients of your deeds. Let God be the determiner of that which you do.

Lord, I am willing to be kind unto all men. Please help to stare my mind away from the wickedness of men that I may truthfully dwell with them in love in Jesus’ name. As I cannot give what I don’t have, and as you give bread to the eater and seed to the sower, please bestow me with abundance of resources to enable me show love and kindness to others so preponderantly in Jesus’ name.

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