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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Be Settled Of God

Focus: 1 Peter 5:10-11 - KJV

10. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 1:3-9

A great Gospel preacher once told a parable which he dubbed the lion sheep. He said there was a leo who was lost in the herd of sheep and thereby got nurtured amongst the sheep until he grew. He fed on the grass that sheep fed on, acted like sheep in all manners and fled from predators including fellow lions when the other sheep fled. One day, while at the brook drinking water, he saw his reflection and saw the semblance between him and the fellow lions he ran from. He decided not to run from them again, went to them and they roared in a manner that he also tried to do and indeed did. From that day, he ceased from being a lame grass eater and became the king of the jungle that he was meant to be. This parable clearly defines the position of the Christian who is a child and ends up in the midst of those who lack impetus such that he becomes blown about with the wind of doctrines and not knowing his rights in the Kingdom.

The lion sheep suffered a while despite having been made a king from his birth. The believer is king from the day he got born again. However, until he becomes established in the knowledge and understanding of his calling into eternal glory by Christ Jesus, he is driven to and fro by fear which the enemy torments him with. Nevertheless, the one who has called him into being king and priest unto Himself is the God of all grace, who ensures he comes to the realization of the provisions made available for him, in due time. So, the Lord then perfects and establishes him when he is full of understanding. If the devil knew that making the believer to suffer will eventually strengthen him to withstand temptations and turn around to assert the authority vested in him, he ought not to have tampered with the believer at all.

Beloved, the temptations and hardship we have had to go through is not peculiar in any way. Indeed, it is the route of the believer to attaining sonship. It is through suffering that we are made to learn obedience. Nevertheless, the Lord expects that when we do overcome the wiles of the enemy through our understanding, not only are we to stand firm, we are to strengthen other believers to do the same. So, as much as the Lord has bestowed on us the authority to thread upon serpents and scorpions, let us activate our understanding and not be scared of them anymore. Rather, as the Lord settles us, let us with all boldness resist the devil, for ourselves and indeed for the lives of other believers that the days of their suffering may be reduced even as they come to full understanding of their rights in Christ and are established of Him. Being settled of God, we are to live above sins and iniquity so that we don’t become subservient to the devil again.

SOLUTION: Come out of the fear of the devil. Confront him in battle knowing that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Put the devil to flight wherever you are found. Have God settle you in the place of authority.

Please pray: Father, by the power in the name of Jesus, I take authority over every foul spirit militating against my establishment as your son, and I command them to be gone from me in the name of Jesus Christ. From today, please establish me in you so that I will never be enticed to sin or iniquity again in Jesus’ name.

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