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Being in His Presence

Focus: Psalms 140:13 - KJV

13. Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

Psalms 23:5-6

There is a place that guarantees perpetual availability of goodness and mercy. It is called the presence of God. In that place, the light of the countenance of God is ever present. There, no darkness is allowed to be present not to talk of thrive. But it is only the righteous or upright person, someone who has pure heart and clean hands, that is allowed to get there. A vivid illustration comes to mind in the encounter of Saul of Tarsus with the light of the countenance of God. Saul was a man of evil, killing Christians up and down. When for a special purpose, he was allowed to approach the presence of God, the light of God’s countenance struck him blind. For him to regain his sight, there was need to bring another who operates in that presence ordinarily, to first purge Saul of darkness and all that pertains to it, so that he may become righteous and upright. From then on only, did Saul enjoy the goodness and mercy from the presence of the Lord as Paul.

Dear friend, it is also possible for us in this day to have the goodness and mercy of God manifest in our lives as we jettison all that pertains to evil and darkness to embrace righteousness and live upright going forward. God, like He did to Saul of Tarsus, is here to interrupt our evil plans and actions just so that we may enjoy His presence for evermore. There we will experience fullness of joy, if like Saul, we will yield to His will.

On this beautiful day of the Lord, I combine my faith with yours to declare every issue of darkness in our lives that has been militating against our appearing properly in God’s presence terminated in the name of Jesus. I prophesy that from now on, by the light of the countenance of God, as we abide in His presence, goodness and mercy shall be our lot perpetually from now in Jesus name. No worker of iniquity will be able to draw us back into darkness again in the name of Jesus Christ. A new thing has started. Go and enjoy the goodness and mercy of God as you remain upright in Him in Jesus name. Happy Day!

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