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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Call upon the Lord

Key verses: Psalms 116:1-2

1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. 2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.

Psalms 18:2-3

Lovers keep constant link of communication open. We cannot claim we love a person without communicating with the same. The love between us and God should be that of the son and his father. A son that is worth his mettle, keeps the line of communication with his father constant. He knows that his father has greater experience about life than himself if not anything else. Between us and God, the whole affair is slightly different. There is no other that is before God in existence and therefore, He has the greatest experience ever about life. He is also the Creator and owner of all resources. Hence, when it comes to seeking resources, He is the best port of call. He is the most powerful and Man of War; hence, if we must seek an ally, there is none stronger than Him. He is the Great Physician and Healer; therefore, if we want to be healed, He is the person to contact. He even has capacity to replace any damaged organ as He is the manufacturer and has all the spares in His custody.

Incidentally, God is a wonderful Father. Even though He loves us so much and would do anything for us, He is however not a busybody to nose into affairs uninvited. When we call upon Him, He answers, if we are His. Like it is unconscionable for a human father to leave his home and go to another man’s home to respond to calls for a father, so also will the Lord not here the voice of a stranger. While Jesus was going on minding His business, blind Bartimeaus son of Timeus heard He was passing by and cried out to Him. The cry made Christ to stop. Of course, Christ obviously saw that he had a myriad of problems chief of which was his blindness, but then the Lord asked him: “what will you have me do for you?” if the blind man had not been specific about his request that day, his miracle may have been delayed. In the same manner, unless we take our request to God, He may not lift a finger to assist us even though He knows and appreciates our burdens.

It is time to cry to the Lord. No matter how huge the problems may be that we are facing, there is nothing too difficult for the Lord to solve. When He restored sight to the blind man, invariably stagnation, begging, filth, loneliness and possibly, poverty were terminated in his life. If only we too will call upon God whom we claim we love, then shall we be saved from our enemies showing forth as problems.

Pray: Father, please help take away the problem of (name it) today in Jesus name.

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