Focus: Hebrews 7:25 - KJV
25. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:20-27
The role of the priest is to stand in the gap between man and God. By reason of the sin of Adam, God, as foreplay of the real deal to be revealed, caused Moses to suggest the shedding of blood for the remission of sins. Even though the Lord was talking of the blood of the lamb without blemish being that of the Messiah that was to come, Moses introduced animal sacrifice and gave the priest the role of the intermediary. All the priests that came before Christ were blemished and therefore needed atonement to stand in the gap. Aside that, once the priest died, his priesthood ended. But, after Christ died for our sin, He rose again and continues to intercede for them that come to God in His name. Meaning what: not only did His priesthood aid those who were alive at the time He laid down His life, it inures till today for all those who genuinely approach the throne of grace through Him as the High Priest.
Our God is the God of the living and not of the dead. All the priests that are dead are forgotten except perhaps for their deeds when they were alive. For instance, the name of Moses, Elijah, Aaron, Elisha, Samuel and so on have no relevance in approaching God after the death or departure of each of them. But for Christ, He is named a priest in the order of Melchizedek who neither has a beginning nor an ending. Hence, even though Jesus is not seen on earth again, yet His priesthood subsists. He is forever interceding for them that come to God through Him. Those who are already saved by His blood and have taken the benefit thereof, and those who are just taking the decision to be of God are fortunate to have Him as He is available before the throne of grace, interceding on their behalf.
The Lord will have us remember always the role Christ has taken up for our sakes to ensure that whatever the devil does, we still retain the privilege to return to the father by looking unto Jesus for His intercession. When He interceded on behalf of Peter on this side of eternity, he was not allowed to be messed up by the devil. How much more will Christ’s intercession save those who approach Him now that He is seated on the right side of the father? Hence, for as long as we have in Him a High Priest that can be touched with the feelings of our infirmity, we can approach Him with the said infirmities for Him to help us out by getting the burdens lifted for our sakes.
SOLUTION: Whenever it appears the accuser has something to accuse us of, it is important to remember and seek the help of our advocate and High Priest for His intercession on our behalf. To keep mum is to surrender to the will of the enemy.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for the intercessory work of Christ over your life
· Pray that the accuser of the brethren will never win over you to sift you like wheat
· Ask God to keep you in purity by His Spirit and to ransom you from the hands of Satan, like He did for Peter
· Pray that the Lord will make your relationship with Christ stronger from today
· Ask for your daily bread
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