Focus: John 10:10b - KJV
10. … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Jeremiah 23:1-8
Prior to the coming of Christ, the lives of the people of God were so messed up by most of the people put in their charge as spiritual leaders. In the writing of the prophets, there were warnings from God to the pastors and the prophets, in a nutshell, the religious leaders of the time. Incidentally, the complaint against the pastors was centrally that they gave attention not to the flock as their shepherds but unto their own selfish desires. There were those that had scattered abroad without the pastors seeking them; there were others who actually scattered the flocks and drove them away from the fold exposing them to the danger of predators. That situation is one which God frowns at in all ages and not only at the time of the prophets.
As against the hirelings who made themselves shepherds in the form of pastors over the people only to end up hurting them, Christ declared His mission unto the flock as one who came to give life and give it more abundantly. Although the old shepherds (hirelings) feed the flock to feed on them, Christ is saying, truly He would give the flock nutrition and that, not for Him to feed on them, but for them to keep their wellbeing and remain so fed without being preyed upon either by their good Shepherd or any predator. This is what the Lord would want for His flock and that is what the Lord Jesus Christ came to offer. This therefore can be viewed in two dimensions: pastors ought to emulate Christ and not the hirelings that operated before; and everyone that come on the side of Christ now has an assurance of safety in the hands of the good shepherd.
It is important as believers that we do not turn ourselves into hirelings over the Lord’s flock but feed them and ensure their wellbeing in all situations and circumstances. Those who have issues should be catered for to ensure they remain in the fold. On the other side, as members of the flock, we should be reminded that the good Shepherd is available for us to bring us to the place the Lord intended for us from the outset. More importantly, they that remain hirelings despite the example of Christ in shepherding, shall answer to the Lord who allowed them to be pastors over His flock. The language of the prophets to such pastors is ‘woe’, which is quite strong.
SOLUTION: Never allow the flock of God under you to stray. If there is any who appears to stray, make effort to ensure he is not lost but brought back to your care. A careless pastor will not mind the flock depleting while he thrives on the flock. God frowns at this.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for His faithfulness in showing us a way to love and be loving so that we might be like Him
· Ask God to please give you the enablement to decipher always the truth as it pertains to the flock of God to care for them as God would have you do
· Pray that the blood of no member of the flock will be required from your hands, no matter what
· Ask God who is the Great Shepherd to please watch over you, your family and everyone that He has put in your care expressly or otherwise
· Ask for your daily bread for today.
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