Focus: John 13:1 - KJV
1. Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
John 17:6-11
Like our God, the Lord Jesus Christ is Love personified. For someone who did not count it robbery to be equal with God to put aside all His glory in heaven so as to take the form of mere clay whom He created in the beginning by Himself, with a view to dying in his stead for the acts which He did not commit but the clay did, the wages of which is death: it can only be love. This love made Him to show us how we ought to live life successfully on earth as against the life of disobedience the enemy had always shown man; and thereafter surrendered Himself to be slain on the tree to fulfil all prophesies and prescriptions for the ransoming of man. Even before He went to the cross, knowing the subtilty of the enemy and how he is capable of continuing to deceive man after He departs, He put us into the hands of the father through prayers. As if that was not enough, upon ascending to heaven, He took on the garb of advocacy, defending us every time our accuser brings accusation against us.
The love that Christ has for us is unending. The reason why many believers have not been sifted like wheat in the hands of the enemy is because of the unending love of Christ and not necessarily because of our righteousness, which scripture accounts is like filthy rags. Let us therefore imagine what it means to Christ after all the love He is showing us, when we turn our back on Him, in pursuit of filth, to please the enemy. But which one of us will have a lover whom he cares for with all his life and despite all, the said lover keeps entering into romantic relationship with his enemy who is not only filthy and undeserving, but is quite little in sagacity and status when compared with ourself, and still keep the same lover? The unending love of Christ will not let Him leave or forsake us. When we realize our folly (which of course has consequences emanating from the concubine) and return in full repentance to Him, He still receives us. His love is indescribable.
Friends, even if we are so callous and wicked, must our hearts be so seared to keep our lover in pain by our nefarious activities with His enemy? The scars we bear are not because of the lack of love from our Love but the consequence of our escapades with the enemy, in abdication of the love of Christ. Make today the day of decision to cling to Christ and never desert Him again. Desertion brings pain which is inflicted by the enemy we run often to. Cling to Christ for a change and see the difference.
SOLUTION: Forsake the devil and all his handiwork and mark the spectacular turn around you will start to experience almost immediately. Jesus loves you more than you can imagine.
Please pray: Father, we are sorry for all the way we have hurt your love for us; please forgive us in Jesus’ name. As we covenant to stay in your love from now, help us never to return to our vomit ever again, in Jesus’ name. The beauty in your love, let it start to manifest in our lives from today, dear Lord, in Jesus’ name.
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