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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Comfort In Tribulation

Focus: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 - KJV

3. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 4. Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7

In another month or so, it will be the end of the year 2022. By the grace of God and if Christ tarries in His return, very soon we shall be shouting a Happy New Year. But, a reflection upon the world happenings particularly since the beginning of this decade will confirm that tribulation has been very rife and rampant the world over. There is the effect of the recent pandemic on many societies; the effect of the war between Russia and Ukraine has brought biting economic hardship to most countries in the globe; climate change and torrential rains have devastated most coastal regions that many have been rendered homeless. In all of it, God has comforted many individuals, families and societies that they are not downed in the on-going tribulation. They are not so affected by the biting economic hardship, neither are they swept by the effect of the harsh climatic conditions. The Lord makes us to understand that they have this comfort because the Lord brought them into it. However, the Lord blesses the rich that he may in turn minister to the poor. Hence, the comforting we have at this time is not for our disregard of others in tribulation but it is rather for us to use for the comforting of everyone affected in the tribulation as much as our comfort can be stretched to them. When we do so, we ask the Lord to keep us comforted so that, for Him, we also may keep comforting others.

Dearly beloved, as this month comes to an end today, look at your condition and give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness. And because you don’t want to be overwhelmed by the ongoing tribulation at any time, please ensure that you reach out to others to comfort them even as the Lord has comforted you. The pressure in the world is much and ongoing. Those who are now affected are the ones we speak about. To keep others from being sorely affected, let us be our brothers’ keeper that God may continue to keep us.

SOLUTION: That which the Lord has bestowed you with is not for you alone. Support outreaches if you cannot form one; lift up the hands of those who are being withered around you; give a household a meal today; lend your extra habitation to the homeless. Do the work of a philanthropist. Those who give to the needy lend to God.

Father, by your mercy please halt the tribulation confronting the world at this time in Jesus’ name. Every family that has been affected or devastated please console and comfort in the name of Jesus. Give us the grace to be able to comfort many from far and near us with part of that which you have comforted us with in Jesus’ name. In all things, let your comfort never depart from us in Jesus’ name.


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