Focus: Psalms 16:3 - KJV
3. But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.
Psalms 16:1-11
Welcome to a new day of God’s blessings. The year has started counting days and our blessings are found in locating our trust and hope in God. This we do by ensuring we delight in those who are of God and do good towards them, for really and truly, it is through them that we show our love and reverence unto our God as we do not see Him in person to extend our goodness to Him. Nonetheless, when we extend it to His saints by delighting in them, we are reckoned as saints and many others will delight in us too.
There are some who, despite the promises of God for the year, still put their trust in other gods. Even though God wants joy unspeakable for us all, the psalmist warns that the sorrow of such people that desert God for other gods will be multiplied. We do not want to partake in sorrow at all and therefore, our souls shall be fixed on the Most High, only. We are to ensure we show love to others particularly those of the household of faith, by which we declare our love to our God.
The outpouring of love from the Lord to us this day shall be immeasurable. Only that our hearts and souls must be focused on Him only. Those who depart from this depart from the Light and plunge into darkness. It is them that David said will have their sorrows multiplied. We will concentrate on God by obeying Him so that our joy may overflow and we may be able to spread it to others. Yes, the joy that comes from the presence of God can be contagious. Let us spread it and it will continue to increase. Have a blessed day of joy today.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for another day. As the year progresses, please let my joy increase exponentially, that I may spread the same to them who love you. Let your light so shine through me that everyone I encounter may recognize your being in my life in Jesus’ name. Let this day be the very beginning of my lifting, career-wise and in other facets of life, in Jesus’ name. Let your plan for my life start to find expression today better than ever, in Jesus’ name.
Please share with others. God bless you.