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Do All Necessary For The Gospel

Focus: 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 - KJV

22. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

Philippians 2:5-8

There is no level or height anyone attains that ought to prevent him from getting down from his high horse for Christ. Once we understand the truth about God, we ought to put our knowledge into proper action to assist others to come to the knowledge of the true God. People have had to leave their thriving carriers to mingle with the down in society as mere brethren just so that they may bring others to Christ. Paul made himself an example for us to emulate. Though a Jew of the first order, he did not count it derogatory to mingle with the people of other races that he may preach to them the good news. The greatest example is our Lord Jesus Christ who did not count it robbery to be equal with God. Despite His being God, He made Himself of no reputation to mingle with His creatures and to guide them to the way of reconciliation with Himself (as God). Now, He is the first born among many brethren because, as many as are gained to the body by the act of His humility, become His brethren. The position or level of life we attain is not a bar to doing the will of God in bringing others to the Kingdom of light. Nothing ought to prevent us from this salient duty that the Lord desires in us. Paul said necessity is placed on him to preach the Gospel and woe is he if he preached not. This level of commitment is what the Lord desires of every believer.

Beloved, the world has a way of forming busy-ness for men to prevent them from creating time to do the will of God. Meanwhile, there is a purpose for which each and every one of us is created. If we don’t step into it, we are not pleasing to God. You wonder how you are expected to preach to your janitor, you being the CEO? Well, that is what God requires. The soul of the janitor must be ransomed. If you fail to do your bit, it will be counted against you as burnt work in the end. That it may not so happen, hurry and put down the garb that is preventing you so that a party may be heralded in heaven for your deed.

SOLUTION: Let no height or position prevent you from doing the work of salvation. Do everything in your capacity to win souls unto the father. God is counting on you.

Father, we want more of you. Please grant us greater boldness to preach your word to all and sundry no matter the odds in Jesus’ name. As we do this, please count us worthy to reign with you and without us missing our crowns in Jesus’ name.


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