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Don’t Be Evildoer

Focus: Romans 12:21 - KJV

21. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.


Romans 12:9-21


It is quite funny when people who are Christians move against fellow beings particularly those who are also Christians in a bid to avenge themselves of some perceived evil done to them. Whether it be retaliatory or otherwise, anyone that engages in evil is an evildoer. It is not possible for a righteous being who carries Christ in his being to do evil in any form, no matter what. If the Spirit of Christ lies in us, then we will turn out like Him. When He was being arrested by the Roman army as pointed out by the High Priest’s lieutenants, He did not resist the evil merchants and when one of His own drew the sword to cut off someone’s ear, He rebuked the same and really replaced the ear, saying if He asked for a legion of angels, He would be availed. However, since there was no evil in Him to do, He rejected every evil appeal. Even when He became so mesmerized on the cross, at the verge of death, all He did was to pray for those that assailed Him asking the father to forgive them for they knew not what they did. Or are we to forget the slap the High Priest gave to Paul who could have called for his hand to whither but would not avenge himself but only spoke tersely against him in his angst.


In this day, it is not uncommon to see Christians who wage war against perceived enemies and even boast about it on social media. Some are full of evil to the extent that all they seek is the destruction of fellow Christians. For instance, recently, some agents of Satan hit the airwaves about a televangelist saying he was engaged in homosexuality. Some that say they are Christians joined in the pull him down syndrome to affect the ministry of the said preacher. Another who had died was said to be a rapist. Rather than allow him rest, they went to unearth old stories that could not be substantiated in his lifetime, just to discredit the body of Christ and suggest many are not pure. Meanwhile, when push comes to shove, it will be discovered that the purveyors of this evil are much more vile than the people they aim to discredit. They are evildoers and children of the devil. The position of Christ for us all is never to engage in evil. Hence, no matter how we may have been hurt by anyone, retaliating with evil puts us in the same league with the one who hurt us as evildoers. Leave the sinner in his class; it is expected of him to sin. If we be righteous, how is it that we are found with evil deeds?


May the Lord purge us of all spirit that tend to evil deeds, in Jesus’ name. May the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in us richly to give us victory always over Satan, in Jesus’ name. Every evil force aimed at drawing us out to avenge ourselves are quashed for our sakes now, in Jesus’ name. The Lord will prevent any trial that will compel us to do evil, from coming our ways in Jesus’ name. In any way that we may have done evil in the past, may the Lord’s mercy avail for us in the matter, in Jesus’ name. May the voice of the accuser of the brethren not prevail in our affairs, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: Leave evil to those who belong to the devil; stick with righteousness always. No matter the provocation from the pit of hell, never allow yourself to be drawn into doing evil. The description of evil is evil. There are no two ways about it. If therefore, it is evil, leave it to the evildoers. Don’t be one.



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