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Don’t Murmur!

Focus: Philippians 2:14-15 - KJV

14. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: 15. That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;


Matthew 5:10-16


The enemy is known to put pressure on the believer for his being righteous so that he may break. Indeed, when there is no pressure from the pit of hell against someone, then the same has no relevance or impact in the kingdom of light. When we are so impactful, an avalanche of persecution is released against the person. But the counsel of God is to remain in the light. Never go into murmuring or disputing with anyone because of what you believe and whom you do believe. Where we end up disputing or murmuring, we may be lured into condemning and accusing the agents of persecution thereby fulfilling the purpose of the enemy who is the accuser of the brethren. They that murmured in the wilderness were released to the destroyer (1 Corinthians 10:10). For us not to fall into the hands of the destroyer, we must remain salt and light in all we do, not minding the devil.


Myriam was that lady who aided the rescue of Moses from the hands of the destroyer in his infancy when he was placed on the Nile to sail. She must have been one of his tutors in the knowledge of the person of the Hebrew God. When the Lord fulfilled His promise of getting Israel out of Egypt, she sang such praise unto God that it found a place in scriptures. Alas, one day, she forgot her person as prophetess and began to murmur with a view to leading a rebellion against the one God used her to preserve. Lo and behold, she ended up being leprous. For they that know it, leprosy is a state of falling off of body members: the fingers, the toes, the lips, teeth, skin and so on. It may not happen at once but gradually until the full effect leads to death, of course after having been separated from civility. The effect of murmurings can be cataclysmic.


The Lord is warning the believer to concentrate on whom he believes and not the distractions surrounding the camp. It is when we take our focus away from Christ that we find time to enter into disputes and begin to murmur. If all we do is unto the Lord, no matter what anyone does, God should be allowed to be the judge. It is when we become judgmental of them that we begin to murmur and allow our salt to lose its savor and the light to lose its brightness. If therefore, we will allow our light to so shine, it will surely obliviate every offence hauled at us by the agents of darkness. Indeed, when we respond to them at all, we give them recognition and impetus that they do not deserve. Let us therefore run the race set before us without being drawn into disputes or murmurings.


SOLUTION: Please be focused on your walk with the Lord doing everything according to the leading of Christ. Disputing or murmuring will neither add to nor improve the position of the Gospel. Let us just contribute our quota and leave the rest. The lure to dispute and/or murmur is from the pit of hell. Avoid it.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for His faithfulness over our lives

·      Ask for the forgiveness and mercy of God for the disputes and murmurings you entered into unnecessarily, thereby making your salt to appear a bit sour

·      Ask God to please fortify you with the grace never to be aggravated by anyone for the sake of the Gospel or anything at all

·      Ask the Holy Spirit to please keep you focused in your walk with Him to the very end so that your light may keep shining unto the brighter day

·      Ask for your daily bread today


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