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Get Out Of Evil Affiliation

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 - KJV

17. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.


2 Corinthians 6:14-18


There are three categories of people in the world today most of whom profess God: the first is those that are uninformed; the second is those that are misinformed and the third is the category of the well informed. The uninformed know next to nothing about God and care less. They are the original target of evangelism. The misinformed are in the category of the woman of Samaria that Christ met by the well of Jacob whom He told “ye worship whom ye know not.” They claim to know God but are confused in their knowledge without knowing it. They seem to confuse the prophets with their flaws as the way to God while pretending to accept Jesus Christ. They see human enemies and do not agree that we wrestle not with flesh and blood. Incidentally, if it is not the true God they relate with, then it is an idol. Hence, this first two categories are simply idolaters.


The third is the category of those who do know their God – they are convicted of the Holy Spirit, have accepted the Lordship of the Christ and therefore carry the Holy Spirit in themselves such that, they are greater than Moses whom God spoke to mouth to mouth in that God dwells in them and speaks directly through them since when they open their mouths, the Holy Spirit fills it. They are those that are led by the Spirit of God and therefore sons of God. The problem however, is that iron ought to sharpen iron. But where the iron mingles with stubbles, how is it to be sharpened? Hence, it is unconscionable for a son of God to continue to mingle with idolaters to whom the truth of God has been exposed but refuse to accept it and continue to operate in confusion and therefore, idolatry.


The Lord wants us to understand today, that He prides in His sons and do not want them contaminated by idolaters. Once you know the truth that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and no other can lead to the father, we are to come to freedom by the knowledge of that truth and excuse ourselves from them who are still following the roasters and destroyers because in the end, the Lord will surely separate the wheat from the chaff, and will tell the chaff He knows them not for being workers of iniquity. If we do not want to be confused with the chaff by association by which some of their acts would rob-off on us, then we must stare completely clear of them as wheat that will be properly harvested in the end.


SOLUTION: Come out of their midst. There is no relationship between idolaters and Godfearers. Darkness and light do not mix. It is by their fruit that they are known. Continuing in union with them is submission to their idolatry. God is never pleased with anyone who discountenances Christ for any other.


Please pray:

·      Thank God for counting you among the well-informed and those who do know their God

·      Ask God by His mercy to, through the message of the Gospel, draw more people out of the darkness of being uninformed and misinformed into the light of being well informed from today

·      Ask God to please lift the veil that is covering the faces of the idolaters to see clearly the person of God through Christ Jesus

·      Pray that God should by Himself separate between you and the idolaters that they may not influence you to their side

·      Ask God for your daily bread today



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