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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

God Being On Your Side

Focus: Psalms 118:6 - KJV

6. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?


Hebrews 13:1-6


Anyone who has the Lord on his side need not fear what man can, or threatens to do to him. First, if we know the might of the Lord, then we will rest assured about His cover which is of a better assurance than that of any known insurer. Next, we must understand that no one has capacity to undo God. Hence, when we have the Lord on our side, the one who must tamper with us must first undo Him. With this understanding, the issue then will be how to get the Lord on our side. The one we want to be at our side is a God of principles. For Him to be on our side, and remain there, we must ensure we operate in purity because He is a holy God. The tendency is for the devil to deceive us to assume because our sins had been forgiven, we can live how we like and still have God on our side. Nothing is farther from the truth than that. For can we continue in sin and ask grace to abound?


To therefore have God on our side, the following are critical: maintaining brotherly love consistently; benevolence to strangers per adventure God’s emissaries may come in human form; be compassionate and bear the burden of others which is also an aspect of love; eschew fornication or adultery in all its ramification because God will judge those who engage in it; and run away from covetousness by being contented with whatever you have no matter the circumstances of life. Those who are able to sustain themselves in this, by the help of the Holy Spirit, can boldly assert that the Lord is with them and therefore, they fear not what any man may do or want to do to them.


Beloved, today the Lord wants us to understand that He is not a liar to want to abandon those who live by His principles. He needs us to realize that the three Hebrew men in the book of Daniel were ordinary men like us and that they were able to stupefy the king because God was with them. The same is true of their compatriot, Daniel. Hence, if we, like them, are also upright to stand in the principle of the Lord, like them we can also damn kings and say because the Lord is on our side, we fear not what any man can do to us. We fear not them that can kill the body but He who can kill both the body and trash the soul in the lake of fire.


SOLUTION: God is faithful to do as He would do if we decide to fulfil our part of the bargain with Him which is that we operate in purity and stay completely away from the things of darkness.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for being always on your side and not allowing the scavengers of life to bear their fangs in your body

·      Ask God to please sustain you in purity by His Spirit so that you may continue to have Him on your side

·      Pray that every opposition to your wellbeing be dealt with immediately and every source of fear in your life be terminated as the Lord is on your side

·      Ask God to arise on your behalf and put your enemies to flight such that no worldly put-up flame can kindle you, or worldly lion consume you

·      Ask for your daily bread today


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