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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

God Does As He pleases

Focus: Psalms 135:6 - KJV

6. Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

Psalms 115:3

There is no pinning our God down to any peculiar doing. All we can say is that He does no evil. He can pick up from the dunghill and put in the palace; He elevates one and demotes the other for his sake; He can make a king to have a dream and develop insomnia so that a prisoner can be promoted; if He likes, He can make a king mental for a while so that he may realize who is God. At times, He can remove His hand from the life of a king and allow a strange spirit to cause him to be eaten of worms. He can move a whole community of people out of their occupied territory for not recognizing Him as God and put His own children in place, in their stead. He can allow a highway in the belly of the Sea when it appears His children have reached a roadblock. This our God can suspend the movement of all the elements for the sake of His children. He is so wonderful that He makes sure that His mark is all around for the vigilant to see. He proves Himself over scientists who claim that all things evolve in that He makes them dumb concerning the “evolution” of corn. He is the one that can turn old barren woman to a mother. He is no respecter of persons. When Myriam, the tutor of Moses about God, became recalcitrant, He took His hands off her and she became struck with leprosy just for chastisement.

Today, by the power in the name of Jesus Christ, the one who sits in heaven and does as He pleases, we declare over you:

You will never be devastated by the power of hell again; the Lord will bear you up in the palm of His hand and make you untouchable henceforth, for the devil; that person in high position that must be visited for you to be promoted will receive a dream today that will cause insomnia until he locates and elevates you; everything that has been hurting you will be turned around to give you pleasure now; every source of pain in your life is removed right now and no devil will be able to put it back again ever in Jesus’ name. Whatever is responsible for the turmoil you are experiencing in your family and the workplace, is removed for your sake. From this very moment, the hand of the Lord rests on you for favor. Even the elements will honor you from now and in all that you do, you will fulfill destiny. All these and many more that translates to goodness you will have in Jesus mighty name.

You are blessed and highly favored.

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