Focus: John 9:31 - KJV
31. Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
Psalms 34:12-22
God is in a class of holiness that man has difficulty to attain because of their mind construct. Meanwhile, whoever is not holy does not have access to the throne of God. Meaning that, unless we abstain from sin, we are not able to make acceptable prayers unto God except of course, the prayer of repentance from our sinful ways. The prayers of a sinner are abominable unto God. Those who live holy, enjoy the presence, protection and provision of the Lord and He prides them all their lives. What that translates into is a great life on earth and special place in eternity. Even when the righteous is afflicted, which is a common place incidentally, the Lord sees him through them all. But everyone who is a sinner is considered an idolater and many are their sorrows.
The Lord Jesus came into the world to change the trajectory. This was first noticed and pronounced by a ruler of the Jews called Nicodemus. He saw that if Jesus was not from God (if He had no access to God) the things He did would have been impossible just like it was impossible for the sinning rulers of the Jews who pretended to be righteous but were not. Subsequently, when He gave sight to a man born blind, a fete that had never been recorded ever, it was clearly asserted, to controvert the evil tale bearers who said He was a sinner, that no sinner could have done that as God does not hear sinners. God is constant, as He did not hear sinners then, He does not hear sinners now. No matter the coloring we give to sin with fine language, it remains sin and no sinner can take the benefit of God unless his sins are first settled.
God is a life giver: those who desire life will ask of God and, knowing that He will not hear a sinner, then they should first purge themselves of their sin so that when they ask Him, He may hear them. The mind of God for us today is that we realize that the reason most prayers are left unanswered is because of sin and that if we can purge ourselves of our sin, we would ask anything we want from the father and He would gladly grant it to us, just like Christ. However, for those who refuse to leave sin, the face of God is against them that do evil and they cannot expect life from Him as He would cut them off from the earth eventually. What then? Live a righteous life and have the eyes of God upon you and His ears attentive to your cry to give you your desire. Be sure of this: God honors His word above His name. Hence, we cannot bribe Him with His name to overrule His word.
SOLUTION: Sin is a barrier between man and God that prevents God from hearing the sinning man. There is nothing like being righteous like Jesus. It gives unfettered access to God and His throne where every good thing flows from. Seek righteousness therefore.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for the grace to live a righteous life through the example of Jesus Christ
· Ask God to please wash you with the blood of Jesus so that every sin hindering your prayers from being heard of God can be removed thereby
· Ask God to please hear you henceforth as you pray to Him in the name that He has given us and give you instant answers that the world may know you are from God
· Pray that your life will blossom as an example of people that God hears their prayers and do their desires
· Ask for your daily bread for today
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