Memorize: Deuteronomy 32:3-4
3 Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
Read: 2 Samuel 12:1-9
God is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of man. He does not judge based on what is said from the mouth of the accuser or the accused. He is righteous in His judgment and is no respecter of persons. Cain was angry with God and God knew it without Cain uttering a word of it. David was someone of whom God testified. Yet, he went outside of God’s tenets due to lust. Although he assumed his deeds had been buried in the scheme he hatched to kill innocent Urriah, God saw through his scheme and confronted him with judgment in righteousness. Even though he was the king, he did not escape the just God.
Today, because you seem to be in authority you are putting resources together to lie against the innocent to make him look vile in the presence of people. You know you are just a pathological liar. Even if those hearing you are unable to see through you, where do you put the just God in the affairs? No liar will make it to the Kingdom. Not one. David for his schemes, forfeited the right to build the house of God among other grave consequences. Cain’s anger turned him into a murderer and then a fugitive. Haman had hatched a near perfect scheme to annihilate Mordecai and his kindred. All lies. Yet, God intercepted him in his scheming. Ah! Are you still assuming your lies are foolproof because unassuming men cannot see through it? Think again. It will only be for a moment. The truth sets free when it is revealed.
Meanwhile, the Lord calls people who so lie to destroy others an abomination unto Himself. What is your position today? God knows if no man does. He will for no reason ascribe righteousness to you where you have not been so. He cannot because of whom you think you are favor you in your lies and schemes. Stand in the truth and you will not end up in destruction.
Father, I thank you for your word. I know you are just and right. Please forgive me in every way that I have erred in my relationship with others. Help me going forward that I may live above lies till I meet with you in glory in Jesus name.