Focus: 2 Corinthians 3:5 - KJV
5. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
Ephesians 2:1-10
There is nothing we are or have that we became without the hand of God. Everyone that God would use, He knew from the foundations of the earth, and therefore pours His investment into them in preparation for the assignment for which He brought them forth. No wonder He said to Jeremiah that before he was formed in his mother’s womb, he was known and ordained a prophet to the nations. Hence, everyone appointed for His use, He foreknew and they are predestined for their purposes. He therefore gives them grace to attain that for which they are ordained. So, when the grace starts to show forth, it is not the being by himself that does these things but the grace of God that he is endowed with, makes the doings possible. Therefore, it is not that there is any sufficiency in us to do anything by ourselves, but just according to the provision of God. Our sufficiency is of Him.
It is therefore baffling to see men boasting away of the things they have done or are doing or are able to do. No! It is the grace of God that brings these accomplishments and all the glory should be unto Him, alone. At times we deceive ourselves, when we want to take the glory and praise over some accomplishment, we start by saying glory be to God. Meanwhile, God is not deceived. He is the one that sees in secret but rewards in the open. After having taken the glory and putting the Lord on the reserve bench, we expect Him to give us grace the more. These things do not work like that. Paul knew this and rather than boast over any work, he affirmed that he was what he was by the grace of God only. The church of today also ought to operate in this humble stride to ensure greater endowment than is currently showing. Tell you what, the battles ahead are grim and require true sons of God to overcome. These ones are known purely by the extent of grace they carry.
Dear friend, let us lay aside pride and give glory to whom it is due in all our affairs. Some do not even find sufficiency in God and therefore do not consider it necessary to give Him alone the glory when they have gone to separate covens and shrines to seek power. Truth is, all that come from the worldly thrones and altars have wicked consequences in the end. If we belong to God, let Him be our sufficiency and let us give to Him the glory always, not by mouth but by conscious conduct without making anyone feel we are anything. Therein lies our greatness and indeed, our sufficiency.
SOLUTION: Develop a mindset of being nothing except by the grace of God. Do nothing before asking the Lord and by so doing, you will always be conscious of the one that empowers you.
Please pray: Dear Lord, you are my all in all and I will never contest the glory with you for whatever you do through me. Daddy, please find in me an instrument for your continuous use to the glory of your name, in Jesus’ name. Uproot from me every spirit of pride that may want to work contrary to this position, O Lord, in Jesus’ name.
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