Focus: Luke 1:68-69 - KJV
68. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, 69. And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;
Matthew 15:29-31
The Bible says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. It follows that everything and everyone that be, belong to God. The initial chapters of the Bible and the interpreters thereof make it seem like God is the God of only one nation and that they are the only people He cares for. Nothing can be farther from the truth, for God is love and is no respecter of persons. In those same verses of scripture, we read about God speaking to people who were not of the nation so presented as preferred. And then, when the Savior came, the same nation would claim the same must be for them alone to redeem them from some form of physical bondage. Meanwhile, the mind of God in setting the said nation apart as a template to use for the eventual salvation of the whole world and through whom the Savior would come, had the whole of mankind in it.
When Jesus came to the world and started to heal people by the Sea of Galilee, it was not His concern whether they were from a particular nation or another. His compassion went beyond race, tribe or creed. He was brought forth for mankind, God’s people, whom He created in His image and likeness but whom the enemy, through deception, had corrupted. Hence, when after the Christ had been crucified to die for the sins of man, and some disciple felt in his mind that those who were not of his kin or nation were common and unclean, God by Himself visited him to correct the absurd notion and directed him to visit a people outside of the said nation whom God counted to be His people. God was to later send Paul and others to these people to preach redemption to them for them to believe and be saved.
It does not matter who you are, what you believed before now, where you came from and so on. No one had the choice of what race he was to be born into. God made the choice Himself. It cannot therefore be right that the same God will discriminate against you because of the circumstances of your birth. You belong to Him and He is your God to redeem you just like any other people. Your refusal to believe or accept redemption is not the fault of God, though. The Lord has done all He needs to do for our salvation and redemption from the power of sin and death. Our remaining under the yoke and bondage of sin and death will only be as a result of our refusal to renew our minds and not necessarily because of the circumstances of our birth. We are all God’s people.
SOLUTION: Let us refuse to be conformed to the world of lies and deception but be transformed by the renewing of our minds knowing that there is no individual or people who is more entitled to God than another. We are God’s people for His redemption. It is all that sinned and fell short of the glory of God and not some. Hence, salvation or redemption is for everyone, including you.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for being your God and choosing you for redemption
· Tell your God the pain you are experiencing from the operation of darkness and ask Him to please redeem you from the effect thereof
· Ask God to prove Himself as your God in every sphere of life that the world may know that indeed He is no respecter of persons
· Tell God that as one of His people, you would like Him to visit your family and nation with His redemption from today
· Ask for your daily bread today
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