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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

God’s Power To Deliver

Focus: Acts 16:25-26 - KJV

25. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. 26. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

Isaiah 59:1-2

The way we fret in the presence of danger is suggestive of the fact that we lack faith in God to deliver us in the circumstance we find ourselves. Because God loves us, He will not leave us for death to mess with. When Pharaoh told Moses never to come to him again, some historical perspective has it that he threatened to kill the firstborn of the Israelites the next time Moses came around; and Moses told him he had spoken the judgment of what would befall Egypt. Rather than the Israelites losing their firstborn children, it was the Egyptians that did. Paul and Silas were put in maximum security prison. All hopes were lost about their release. But God caused a prison breaking earthquake to happen for their release. By His love, God will neither leave nor forsake anyone. It does not matter that the person is not a saint. The point is, God’s love preserves. He loved us even while we were yet sinners. It is however possible for us to say to the Lord: “go away”, if we persist with sin to make His continued presence impossible. As made clear in earlier posts, His presence brings light and the same disperses darkness. If He is made to depart however, He does so with His light also. No wonder scripture says His ears are not heavy that He cannot ear; neither His hands short thar He cannot rescue. It is our sin that causes His presence to be withdrawn.

Beloved, let not your heart be troubled because of that which the enemy is threatening you with. The Lord is willing to rescue you, no matter how daunting the situation may appear. Senacherub’s threat to Hezekiah and Judah was enough to make any king quiver. Yet, when Hezekiah cried to the Lord for help, he needed not fight at all before he became victorious. For you, if you will make the Lord your Ally, you are going to experience victory without a fight too from now in Jesus’ name. Rest assured.

SOLUTION: Have faith in God. Let your heart rest fully in the fact that God is able to deliver you. Seek His face for mercy per adventure the accuser of the brethren has something against you, that your slate may be clean before God for Him to beam His light on you.

The power of the Most-High will start to overshadow you better than ever from now on in Jesus’ name. Every plot against your wellness from the kingdom of darkness shall be blown away by the presence of God in your life in Jesus’ name. You shall remain victorious over the battles of life all the days of your life in Jesus’ name.

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