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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

God’s Spirit To Man

Focus: 2 Timothy 1:7 - KJV

7. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


Romans 8:14-17


When the Lord Jesus Christ was rounding up His earthly ministry, He instructed the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Ghost who, He said, will come on them for power. Like He prayed for them, He said His prayers were not for just them but others also who will accept salvation through their preaching, which include us. The Spirit is of power unto those that are the heirs of salvation. To this extent, to operate in fear, is to operate outside of faith and therefore call God a liar. Those who do so are counted among those who will end up in the lake of fire. In essence, for those who have received the Holy Spirit, they have received power, the ability to love without dissimulation, and to operate in sound mind in all their affairs. And because they are the heirs of salvation and joint heirs with Christ, they are able by the same Spirit to approach God with boldness and address Him as their dad.


Wherever fear is, there is torment and God does not want His heirs to be tormented in any way. And that is why Jesus released on us His peace. When He traveled in a boat with His disciples and there was a storm on the sea, because God had anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and power, He was not in any way troubled by the storm. On the other hand, since the disciples were yet to be endued with power from on high by the Holy Ghost, they became fearful, panicked and were tormented. It was the one who had no fear that was not tormented and could address the situation with His sound mind. In the end, peace was engendered because of the one who did not fear.


The Lord needs us to forestall fear in all of its ramification. This we are only able to do when we imbibe the Holy Spirit of God which is the Spirit of power. When we receive the power, it becomes easy to overcome our fears and speak with new power over situations and circumstances. Succumbing to fear when confronted with situations is to say that the situation is greater than our God. This is of itself an insult to the person of God. But when we carry in us the Spirit of power, we are not shaken in the face of turmoil. Hence, the Lord is inviting us to seek the power of the Holy Spirit by surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ as the Lord thereof. Without that, we cannot access the Holy Spirit.


SOLUTION: Please pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit after surrendering your life to Christ. By the said Spirit, fear is truncated and power is installed. The fearful cannot make heaven. Please eschew fear.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God for counting you worthy of being endowed with power by His Spirit

·      Ask God to please release to you His Spirit from now on such that His presence will always be with you for power, love and sound mind

·      Pray God to banish fear from your heart forever

·      Ask God to break every power and influence of fear over your life and that of your entire family today

·      Ask now for your daily bread for today



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