Focus: Romans 1:7 - KJV
7. To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:2-24
The grace of God is a special release of God unto His Church so that she may be united and shine forth as one. For the Church is the body of Christ with every part communicating well with one another to ensure a great synergy that brings the bride of Christ shining, without spot or wrinkle. The grace is released to ensure the Church speaks with one voice so that as one, the bride of Christ is able to disperse darkness and add more people to the fold. Not to be in discord claiming clicks and caucuses, but bringing many more into the body to partake of the grace to get much more in with words seasoned by Christ. In a nutshell, with the Church in disarray, the grace is being put to wrong use and therefore, desecrating the body. There are now so many factions in the Church, whether it be a local parish, denomination or the entire body. As it is, that is fulfilling the plan of the devil in that, he knows that a house divided against itself cannot stand. So, rather than allow the grace to work like it should, members are working, supposedly with the grace upon them, at cross purposes and therefore aiding the kingdom of darkness in its bid to bring the earth fully to its face, like it happened in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Today, the Lord is saying to us, His church, to work together as one and in one voice for the purpose of the Kingdom. Even if Paul plants and Apollo waters, since it is the Lord that brings the increase, let us all be focused on the increase provider and not be distracted with self-aggrandizement. What such distraction does is to strengthen the gates of hell against the body to the extent that the binding and loosing become less impactful just like it is found in today’s church – so much fasting and praying, yet not much impact. A time was, when the Church spoke, even the authorities shook; now, if care is not taken, even the leadership can be railroaded to gaol. The Lord’s clarion call is for us to awake to our responsibilities by realizing that we are one body in Christ. Let each part play its role with the grace released by the Lord unto us to ensure darkness is not allowed to overrun the earth. Not operating disjointedly and at cross purposes as if in competition, one against the other. Since our goal is one, let us together pursue that goal and ensure it is achieved. Every other thing is a way of the enemy to put us at each other’s throat, that he may gain ground.
The Lord will make His grace abound unto each of us to fulfil His purpose for our lives as a part of His body, in Jesus’ name. Every seed of discord operating within the Church of God shall be uprooted completely today, in the name of Jesus Christ. No matter what the enemy does, the gates of hell shall never prevail over the Church, in Jesus’ name. By reason of the grace of God, from this day going forward and more than ever before, whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosened in heaven in Jesus’ name. And even now, every shambolic arrangement, making the Church a mockery among the populace, is pulled down, in the name of Jesus. No more discordant tunes, in Jesus’ name.
SOLUTION: Please stop criticizing your brother or sister in the faith. Remember you are supposed to be shooting in the same direction for goals. If we must call one another to order, let it be done within the fold in love and let us together bind our wounds and move on for the good health of the entire body.
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