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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Grow In Grace

Focus: 2 Peter 3:18 - KJV

18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20; 3 John 1:2

Grace can be seen as the unmerited favor from God or simply the bestowal of blessings. Blessings are bestowed on the believer, based on the measure of his knowledge of the person of God, or His Christ. It is possible to have grace bestowed yet untapped, because of lack of knowledge. Since the just shall live by faith, the measure of grace appears to be commensurate with the extent of faith. If there are two people presented as airplane pilots and passengers are asked to line up behind their preference, with each one labeled with experience and character; the one is a rooky and alcoholic, while the other is a veteran. The tendency is for everyone to go behind the veteran. However, because this exercise is not conducted for airline passengers, passengers board without necessarily bothering about who the pilot is. That is the passengers expressing faith in the airline without query. This also is the way the Lord expects us to operate in faith. Until we grow in faith to the extent of never doubting the capabilities of God, we tend to miss out on Kingdom blessings.

Knowing the extent of grace determines the things we get from God. Paul made it abundantly clear that God can do for us beyond what we ask or think according to the power that works in us. That power is simply referring to the extent of grace we carry. John also expressed a wish that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. The prosperity of our souls references the extent of grace in us. James was clear that we cannot receive anything from God if we doubt or waver in our asking. Once we have the knowledge of God that with Him, all things are possible, we need to grow in that same grace by faith, to rest assured that whatever we ask of Him, He will do. But when the level of grace in us is so minute, the extent of our signs and wonders are also limited. This is why it is crucial for us to grow in grace and know Him whom we believe.

Dearly beloved, like a child grows from milk sucking to flesh eating and later, bone crushing, God equally expects us to grow in grace. If the power that works in us works staunch faith, then the result will be spectacular for all to see what the Lord can do through us. If, however, the power only works fear, being the opposite of faith, we, by ourselves, activate wrong things that we see manifesting. Let us therefore, grow in the knowledge of Christ without whom we can do nothing. As we grow, we will start to see the enormous provisions available to us in Him and ascribe the same to ourselves with clear results. That issue you have been praying over that is not manifesting may be as a result of the level of grace you carry. Endeavor to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

SOLUTION: The knowledge of Christ and the tool that propels growth in grace are in the knowledge of the word of grace. Let us be deliberate in studying the word of God, for a better life, from today.

Please pray: Father, thank you for the extent of grace you already bestowed on me. Please, help me to grow the more in it by your Spirit, in Jesus’ name. Let me never be in doubt again about your ability to do things that pertain to me, in Jesus’ name. Every delayed answer to prayers, let them begin to find manifestation now, in Jesus’ name.

If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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