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Head of the Church

Key verse: Ephesians 1:22-23

22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

1 Corinthians 12:20-27

The head is the place from where inspiration proceeds to other parts of the body to act. When the head be rotten, the other parts are out of function or proper functioning. When a person excels in what he does, the notion generally is that “his head is correct”. Hence, the head is pivotal to the success of the being and particularly the respective parts of the body. On the flip side, when there is a problem with a part of the body, it sends pain signals to the head and it translates to the entire body. A pain in the thumb for instance, may cause one person to be absent from duty for a whole day as he is not able to function optimally. Truth be told, it is that the head feels the pain even though it originates from the thumb.

Christ and His Church are one indivisible being, Christ being the head and the several parts, the body. As the head, all wisdom and direction flow or ought to flow from Christ to every other part of the body, seamlessly. But as Christ transmits instruction through preaching and teaching, it will appear not every part of the body allows the instruction of Christ, the head to direct their doings. No wonder the world is picking holes in Christianity today. Those who ought to represent the Head are disconnected from Him and are either withered or withering away. But He already gave assurance that He will build His Church and no gate of hell will prevail against it. This suggests that when the Head gives an instruction and a part refuses to follow, as it withers away, it may end up being amputated and a replacement found for it in the body. If, however, the body cooperates wholly with the Head, since all things has been placed under His feet, it means the entire body enjoys the same grace as the feet is the lowest part of the body. What that means is that for those in the body who are properly conjoined to the Head, all things are beneath us. If all things are beneath us, then we should no longer suffer in any way for anything.

Do you really want to enjoy bliss in life? Why not accept the instructions of the Head of the Church that you may enjoy your elevation over all things from now? Not doing so is just debarring peace and overriding joy. Please change that today.

Pray: Father, help me to obey your instruction and never disobey that I may tower above all things with you in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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