Focus: James 5:19-20 - KJV
19. Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; 20. Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Malachi 2:1-9
The believer is in a race to ensure he finishes well and strong so as to be able to smile in the embrace of the Lord in the end. It is not a boxing bout where the one seeks to knock out the other or outdo him. It is more like a race where the contestants have need to cluster with those who appear weak in the race to ensure they do not fall off. It is therefore, a parody of sort to find in the body of Christ those whose preoccupation is to seek out those whom they assume are not doing well to push them down and trample on them. It is satanic to say the least, for anyone to wish a fellow pilgrim condemnation in hell. The mind of God is for all souls to come to repentance and thereby, salvation. It therefore, beats one when those employed in the ministry of reconciliation engage themselves in condemnation and railroading others to perdition, whom they are called to offer salvation, and for whom Christ died. When such happens, the hands of the devil are glaring in the affairs of the supposed ministers. Is it no longer the position of Christ that if a sheep strays amongst a hundred, to leave the ninety-nine and go after the one?
The mind of God is enunciated by the prophet Malachi, amongst others, regarding this matter. The Lord is willing to give authority to the priest but, if he will not give glory unto God to do what the Lord has sent him, the children of such priests are left to corruption. It is true that such priests were initially empowered because he showed that he feared God to do the will of God. When he however departs therefrom, he causes many others to stumble as those looking up to him are likely to assume his new ways are godly and therefore emulate him, thereby departing from godliness down the line. To them, the Lord says He has made them contemptible and base before all the people. Little wonder, many who were looked upon as the fathers of faith are now seen with disdain and denigrated by people of no mean estate. The Lord is cautioning us today not to be like them. We are to be like Christ who was not comfortable with allowing a load of humans go to the other side. Hence, He put aside His glory to take up the body of mere man just so that He may pull many to become joint heirs with Himself to the things of God.
The Lord will help us to serve Him in everyone that is also in the journey of life that they may come to a successful ending in the race with ourselves in Jesus’ name. May we never be agents of the devil to railroad other beings for whom Christ laid down His life, to hell, in Jesus’ name. The Lord will put in us the spirit to do the will of God, and that alone, to the very end, in Jesus’ name. If by any chance, any of our past actions had debarred any from the race, the Lord will in His power do a supernatural operation to refocus the same to the kingdom, in Jesus’ name. We shall not go alone into heaven but in company of many whom the Lord has and will draw to Himself, through us, in Jesus’ name.
SOLUTION: Be your brothers’ keeper. Never allow any to derail under your watch and if any be said to have derailed, do all within your power to draw the same back to the right way. It is then that you are in good stead before God.
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