Focus: John 15:14 - KJV
14. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Matthew 12:46-50
The mind of Christ is to save His creatures, particularly man, from damnation purposed for him by the enemy through sin. As an astute business person, He is not concerned about shenanigans and every other thing outside of His business. The way to achieving business profit, to Him, is by staying strictly in His instructions and command. The problem with men however, is that they are yet to realize that it is a very rife battle to move them from destruction into salvation. When a commander at war, tells his soldiers the plan to scale through the enemy territory, those soldiers that fail to obey the command put themselves at the mercy of the enemy as they may not get rescued if caught by the enemy. Hence, such soldiers are not considered to be the commander’s friends. If they by any chance survive, they are made to face some court martial. The story is not different with Christ. Whenever we fail to obey His command, we decline His friendship. When by His providence, we scale, we are made to give account of our stewardship at His judgment seat.
Christ was clear enough to us about His relationships. He used His direct human relatives as example unto us by saying to us that He was not so particular about them but about those who are His disciples, listening to and obeying that which He commands. When we obey Him, we assist His business. Those who do not, call Him a liar and therefore, are not worthy of Him. What it means to disobey His command is to operate in iniquity. Those who disobey His command are definite casualties in the scheme of things, as they are exposed to the fire power of the enemy. Meanwhile, the testimony of Christ is that all that the father has given unto Him, He keeps to the end. Those that refuse to obey His command who will eventually fall off can be assumed not to have been given by the father. It is also true that His sheep know His voice and the voice of another they will never hearken to. Hence, if indeed we belong to Christ and we are His friends, we will keep His commands. Doing otherwise is evidence of not being His friend. We are better off on His side and not against Him. Being His friend guarantees better life in this world and the one to come. Being otherwise is not an option to consider.
The Lord will make us His friends forever in Jesus’ name. Whatever we will do that will make us lose our friendship with Christ will never happen, in the name of Jesus. All the blessings of being His friend are delivered to us now in Jesus’ name, and by it we will start to experience life in a more glorious way from today in the name of Jesus. We shall escape every trap of the enemy as we stick to the Lord’s command from now on in Jesus’ name. In the end, Christ Himself will acknowledge us as His friends before the father in the name of Jesus Christ.
SOLUTION: As officers in the Lord’s army, we are enrolled to obey the Lord’s command and it is only when we do that, He befriends us. So, in a regimented fashion, let us stick with the Lord’s command to the very end. It may not look sensible to the world; as long as it is the Lord’s command, please obey.
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