Focus: 2 Corinthians 6:17 - KJV
17. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Isaiah 52:11-12
Anywhere there is uncleanness, God separates Himself from and wherever He is not, the enemy operates unfettered, by bringing darkness thereupon. When Achan caused Him to separate from Israel after the defeat of Jericho, Israel was enmeshed in darkness and therefore suffered defeat at Ai because the Lord was not with them. For the Lord to return to someone whom He loves but had gone into association with the unclean, the same must first be separate by purging himself from the unclean thing. For all intents and purposes, the unclean thing may be a person, a family, a community or even a whole nation. It took the separation of Lot from Sodom for the Lord to receive him again. God needed to separate Abram from the Ur of the Chaldees to bless him. Abraham himself needed to separate from Lot for his blessings to begin to manifest fully.
Now, there are many homes, communities, denominations and so on, that engage in things that God does not approve. For as long as they operate in same, God is not served and He will withdraw Himself. But God wants to relate with the righteous. You cannot claim to be righteous operating in the midst of the despicable lot. For being in their midst, God is not able to receive you unto Himself. When a person is to become born again, the same is said to be brought out of darkness into the marvelous light of God. It cannot be right to be back in darkness and expect God to relate with us in the midst of it. What God seeks is that we sanctify ourselves by being separate from the wicked person, family or group so that we have no access to the unclean thing and thereby becoming available unto God.
There is a user of this devotional whom the Lord has a word for today: You know by yourself that the people you mingle with are not godly judging by their fruits, but you are worried about what people would say if you separate from them. Meanwhile, you can tell by yourself that the Lord is distant from you despite all your godly traits. Indeed, you have been having the nudge from the Spirit of God inside of you, to come out of their midst but have not been able to muster the courage to do so. They have threatened fire and brimstone for those who leave. Do not mind them. God wants to receive you if you will be separate from them. Look to God now; do not join them in their unclean ways. Just look to God and He would receive you as you be separated unto Him.
SOLUTION: No power can harm you when you submit to God fully; for if God be for us, who can be against us. Heed the voice of the Holy Spirit today to separate yourself unto God from the evil gathering and you will begin to experience the move of God in a new way in your life.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for being there for you to give you direction
· Ask God to please give you the courage to jettison sinners and their sinful ways so as to merge unto God in holiness from today
· Ask God to turn you into a terror to every agent of darkness luring you into thick darkness so that they will fail concerning you
· Pray that as you separate yourself unto God from today, your life will not remain the same and you will begin to experience the bliss of God in a greater dimension
· Ask for your daily bread today
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