Focus: Ephesians 4:15 - KJV
15. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Ephesians 4:7-16
The mind of Christ is to, in the end, present His bride (which is His body) the Church, without spot or wrinkle, unto the father, just in the manner in which He was without blemish before He went to the cross to give birth to His bride. To achieve this, the Lord expects that there will be some form of bond in the body as a house divided against itself cannot stand. To ensure the unity of the body, we are to correct erring members in love, and not in a manner to demonize and thereby ostracize the same and losing him, if care is not taken, to the other side. When the body is united, every member thereof is allowed to grow from childhood to sonship up to the fullness of the stature of Christ, when they are fed with the truth of the word of God, in love. Incidentally, there are so many who pretend to be part of the body but are not, as they are too far disjointed from the body, not only in the sight of the bridegroom, but also to all keen observers, and it becomes difficult for the Lord to present them as part of His body.
Today, the Lord is calling us to attention that, as the day of His return draws even closer, we must ensure that we allow the Church to grow as He has planned it to be. Let every member of the body mind that to which he is called and dwell in love with the other parts. The body is not meant to be in competition with itself, like many appear to be engaged in currently, seeking superiority one over the other. Rather, like the natural body, we are to cooperate one with the other to ensure the growth of the body. Imagine the nose refusing to take in air to the lungs: how would the body survive? The Lord already declared that no gate of hell would prevail against the body. Hence, everyone working against the will of God for the growth of the body is acting on behalf of the gates of hell, and can never succeed but will be ditched in the end, just like man has found a way to extract and replace non-performing organs from the body.
SOLUTION: Fulfil your calling as a member of the body of Christ without antagonizing or frustrating any other member. Learn always of the Lord and stand in the function where you are placed. Never allow iniquity to enter into or protrude from you. It only leads to extradition from the body. The phrase “I know you not” is part of the Lord’s vocabulary.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for making you a part of His body, His bride and for preparing you for the glorious day of the presentation to the father
· Ask God to please uphold and keep you in the body to the very end
· Tell God to please cleanse you from any existing spot or wrinkle that may deprive you of marching in on the beautiful day of presentation
· Pray God to put in you His truth and love to use, in your relationship with other members of the body
· On this new day, ask God to give you from the variety on His table, your daily bread, huge enough to take you and all yours through the day even to the day of His appearing. Let there be an outpouring of blessing.
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