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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Love Compelled

Focus: Luke 6:35-36 – KJV 35. But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. 


Matthew 5:7-48


For everyone that is of God, love is compelled and there is no choice in the matter, for God is Love. It is difficult for the ordinary to understand how he can be compelled to love someone who clearly hates or despises him. For instance, a fellow finds out that you would profit by having a consent from somewhere and quickly raises clandestine reasons why you must not be accorded the consent. Meanwhile, he messed up greatly in his actions elsewhere, and you are supposed to just show meekness by not hurting him at that opportunity, if you must be of God and remain so. It appears like being cheated, but that is how our God is: He bear all things. For real insight, let us consider the story of the demoniac in Mark 5: Jesus heeded the plea of demons not just to be dislodged but to be cast into the herd of swine. Demons are God’s enemies, yet they made a request and He granted. Why? Because He is simply Love. When He saw Satan in the midst of His children in Job’s days, He did not antagonize him but engaged him in discussion lovingly. That’s the arch enemy. To do otherwise is to demonstrate wickedness. Even though the devil and his demons are enemies, their punishment is not now, but reserved.


The reason the beatitudes are laid out for man is that it is the nature of God. We as men, despise God, mess up His commands, fail to salute Him from time to time, treat Him shabbily often; He gives to those who ask Him and those who do not even deserve it, get “loans” from Him. Loans because, everyone that takes undue benefit of God and fails to turn from wickedness pays back somehow in full. We often divorce God and He never stops loving us; a lot of men revile the Lord for righteousness sakes and yet He would not stop the sun from shining on them. If therefore, men do these things to us and we fail to do like God would do or is doing, how then can we claim to be children of God? As His children, we ought to carry His gene. It is compulsory for sons to be like the father if they are true sons. Now we know why we just must love.


The Lord, who Himself is Love, will teach us to love in all situations and circumstances in Jesus’ name. Every act of men that is pushing us towards not wanting to love, shall not have effect over our lives again in Jesus’ name. The grace to be dead to emotions and hurting feelings the Lord bestows on us today in Jesus’ name. From this day hence, we shall begin to enjoy the bliss of being sons of God, in Jesus’ name. No devil will be able to drag us back into the filth of not being able to love like our God, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: As we are dead in Christ Jesus and the dead do not feel pain, let us be dead to emotions and ill feelings which can cause us to lose love in any circumstance. Embrace love and show it always.


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