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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Love is unique

Key verse: 1Corinthians 13:4-5

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

John 3:16-17

The greatest lover of all times is God. Though He be the Almighty who formed man from a dust/clay mold, breathe into him to make him carry the image of God; despite the disparity, He prefers to look at the man as His son; whilst the man operated in disobedience and wickedness, God is not so against him even though the wickedness is against Him; He kept sending people in human form to try to save man from himself notwithstanding and they kept killing them thereby truncating His recue plans; He remains kind to man not thinking of the disparity between Him and the man – Creator and creature; He refuses to wipe man away like He first did in the days of Noah thereby suffering long refusing to be provoked in the face of crass provocation; despite all, He still decided to volunteer His only begotten Son to rescue man from himself. The Son came as Son of man and showed forth all the same attributes of the Father culminating into laying down His life for man who all through the time proved himself unworthy. God indeed is Love.

Alas! Everyone who has heard about and learnt of God wants to be like Him. Unfortunately, they fail in the place of love and therefore cannot really be like Him. Though dust, they do not even love the One who molded them into who they are as they continue to disregard and disobey Him; neither do they love their fellow beings in that they are easily affected by menial occurrences and at times things that do not really occur which they imagine; they are full of envy and the pull him down syndrome; they are full of pride and self-praise wanting to be accorded undeserved regard like Haman; they are so selfish that they don’t consider the well-being of others; they are so easily provoked and full of vengeance and therefore evil based on mere perceptions. Whao! How can we actually be like God in love?

We can be lovers like God if we understand true love and focus on the Kingdom. A focus on the Kingdom will make all things which men do or which we assume they are doing against us affect nothing in us as we have our minds on the Kingdom. Then are we no longer distracted and we surrender our minds to love both man and God. Love is amazing.

Pray: Father help me to live in love like you forever in Jesus name.

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