Focus: Proverbs 22:11 - KJV
11. He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
Ecclesiastes 10:12-13
The mouth does not say until the heart processes a thought. That is why it is written that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. All the evil words that proceed out of the mouth of a man are products of the evil in his heart. And the good and loving words are also the product of the pure heart. The pure heart reverberates love and therefore causes the mouth to speak in love. Those whose hearts are not loving can only spit venom. In the meantime, they that speak lovingly are endeared to the friendship of rulers, movers and shakers of society; whereas the vile speaker is a friend to none in the upper cadre.
There was a man in the days of scripture called Ahithophel. He was a man whose words were so graced by the Lord. When he remained with a loving heart, he was the chief adviser of the king, David. But then something happened that made David to abdicate his throne when his son Absalom became an insurgent against the father’s reign. As soon as Absalom took over the throne, the heart of Ahithophel went riot from its purity to supporting the evil that the young lad was up to. Yes, he remained the adviser of the “reigning” king, but it was not long for his words to be turned to fables before his friends who were in power. All because the words came from an impure heart, the rulers rejected his counsel as it was seen as foolishness even though it was the best counsel ever.
The Lord is asking us to purify our hearts and fill it with love so that it can produce the best of words/counsel from our mouths. The reason most people are not operating in the upper echelon of society is due to the impurity in their hearts. Impurity is as a result of evil thoughts which are borne out of lack of love. Whenever love is lacking in us, it will bring about bad thoughts against the one that we have lost love for; and when the heart is so tainted, it continues to operate in hatred which would extend to others and therefore, turn into a receptacle of evil. When that happens, it makes the heart to produce through the mouth, only horrible things that make people stay far away from the person. Only those with pure hearts are befriended by kings and those around them due to the words of their mouth.
SOLUTION: Purge your heart of all unholy thoughts and soon your lips will be yielding only sweet and loving words. Before long, everyone that matters will seek your opinion and befriend you.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for His lovingkindness over you who has projected you into His love that others may love and rally round you
· Ask God to please help purify your heart with the blood of Jesus that from now, it may only be the receptacle of love
· Pray that the Lord will surround you with kings and rulers as friends and put far away from you evildoers
· Ask God to make you a member of the king’s table in perpetuity for the time that you are not already king yourself
· Ask God for your daily bread for today
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