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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Mercy measured

Focus: Psalms 103:11 - KJV

11. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

Psalms 103:8-14

Having heard people speak about heaven, scientists have made efforts to locate in the universal orbit where it is to no avail. David, in his spiritual sagacity writes that it does exist and it is high above the earth. If it is high above the earth and men have failed to locate it, it means the distance is immeasurable for the physical man. That immeasurable height or distance is equated with the greatness of God’s mercy towards us. If His mercy is not so great, how do we explain the absorption of Saul of Tarsus into the Christian fold? Here was a man who, while Christ was on earth, tried to pitch the jewish rulers against Him through what he considered difficult questions about the law; when in conjunction with the said leaders, they had succeeded in putting Him to death, he did not stop as he went about ensuring those who preached or taught in His name were hewned down like Stephen in their numbers. Yet, the Lord located him by His mercy to transform him into an Apostle of His to the gentile world.

No matter what manner of life we had lived, no matter how terrible our past had been, the greatness of the mercy of God can accommodate us if we will surrender to Him like Saul did when he heard His voice. From the day he heard the voice of the Lord, Saul never returned to his old ways. The voice of the Lord is coming our ways today to call us out of our persecution of the Lord. Every act done which is inimical to the will of God is done in persecution of the Christ. If we therefore will heed His voice today, He is willing to receive us and give us a clean slate like He gave to Saul, if like him, we will not return to our old ways. Let’s embrace the way of the Lord today. He will embrace us no matter our past.

And i pray with you that every deed of yours that is inimical to the way of the Lord are washed away by the blood of Jesus as you receive the mercy of God now in Jesus name. Like the converted Saul, you will be more meaningful in your life to the Creator going forward in Jesus name. Your life will produce good fruit and from now everyone that comes in contact with you encounters the miracle of God in Jesus name. You will become a bundle of joy to many generations in the name of Jesus. The mercy of God erases the record of your past deeds in Jesus name. Please go and live a happy life with Christ from now. God bless you.

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