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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Obeying God’s Voice

Focus: Exodus 19:5 - KJV

5. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:

Genesis 12:1-4

A great example of obeying the voice of God is Abraham. Without seeing the one that instructed him, Abraham heeded the voice of God to go to a land which he knew not the foundation or basis. As he obeyed the voice of God and took the necessary steps, he was keeping his part of the covenant with God towards his being blessed and becoming a blessing. By this obedience, he became a special being spoken about even today, in many cultures. God fulfilled His own part of the covenant with Abraham also because He is a covenant keeper. However, with God, obedience has to be total to properly fulfil covenant. Half obedience is no obedience. Abraham was not to go with any of his kindred but he went with Lot. At the time Abraham started his journey into covenant fulfilment, Lot was an orphan and it would appear there was no one to care for him. Hence, one may want to think it is a callous thing if Abraham left him behind. But God is never wrong. He knows the ending from the beginning. Until Abraham let go of Lot, his part of the covenant was not fully fulfilled and the part of God was delayed in fulfilment. King Saul assumed that once he had destroyed the chunk of the things of which God said he should destroy all, he was in obedience and the remainder kept by the people could be used for the worship of God. He was so wrong and was therefore rejected for half obedience. When we fully obey, God promotes us above others.

Beloved, your holding back in doing that which the Lord has instructed is what is responsible for the delay in the fulfilment of the covenant. When we do our part, He is faithful to do His part without fail. Allow nothing to deprive you of your full benefit in God. He owns all things that you seek or aspire to get and can bestow it on you without stress. But for Him to so do, you need to show yourself also faithful. Make it count. Don’t let your wanting to please men cause you to live in disobedience like Saul. Please God.

SOLUTION: To obey is better than sacrifice. Whatever He asks you to do, do it. Do not discountenance any part of the instruction. Follow the precepts and the lines. No deviation at all.

Father, as we obey your voice in our journey of life, please make us your peculiar treasure before all people in Jesus’ name. In any way we are encountering difficulty in coming through in obedience to your instruction to the letter, do help us by your Spirit to be in full obedience in Jesus’ name. Let our blessings be sure and glaringly evident from today in the name of Jesus Christ.

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