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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Pouring Out The Soul

Focus: 1 Samuel 1:15 - KJV

15. And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.


Psalms 42:1-5


Man is made of Body, Soul and Spirit. The body is the cloak in which he dwells and it is the part of man that interacts with the world; his soul is the part that represents his self while the spirit is the part of God in him. Whenever a man gets to the point where he becomes broken, it is his soul that cries to God after having aligned itself with the spirit which is the part of him that is God conscious. This is why, it is written that the soul that sins shall die. The soul is expected to be in agreement with the spirit to live a life approvable by God. That is why it is also written that I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. The propensity of the prosperity of the soul in God consciousness, determines the extent of the prosperity and health of the individual.


Hannah was a regular visitor to Shiloh, being the place of worship of God, and yet remained barren. A time came that the soul of Hannah aligned with her spirit to want to fulfil godliness with the use of her body to give unto God a child that opens her matrix. Hence, when she visited Shiloh this time, it was with a difference. She poured out her soul unto God regarding her reproach by accepting to give to God whatever He gave to her first. In the end, Hannah had a son which she wanted and God got a prophet which He wanted.


Today, the Lord is asking that we always align our souls with the spirit before making request of God. Many times, we take God for our errand man and whenever it appears we are not pressed for something, we leave God in His space and mind our lives. When however, it appears like we are under a subtle pressure, we run to God to sort us out without considering what God would have us do first. If we align our souls with the position of the spirit in us, then are we able to pour out good contents from our soul to God and the same becomes acceptable and granted almost with alacrity.


SOLUTION: Let us always align our needs with God’s will before pouring out our souls to Him. When we do, we can never ask amiss.


Please pray:

·      Thank God for giving us of His spirit in us that makes us God conscious from time to time

·      Ask God to please forgive you for not aligning your desires with His spirit in the past and blaming God for your own mistakes

·      Pray that by the help of the Spirit, you will from today, never pray self-centered prayers anymore

·      Ask God to please meet every believer at the point of their individual needs today, even as He draws many in darkness unto Himself today

·      Please request your daily bread for today


If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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