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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Pray For Knowledge And Understanding

Focus: Ephesians 1:16-17 - KJV

16. Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

Colossians 1:9-12

There is a critical nerve in the lives of men that, when touched, may be difficult to reverse. When a man takes in a doctrine as true, it is difficult to purge him of the same except by the help of God Himself. Hence, Paul was particular about putting converts in prayer that they may come to the knowledge and understanding of God. Of course, it was not that they did not know that there is a God that exists, but that they do not ascribe to Him who He is not like the fathers did. Yes, they heard the preaching of the gospel and accepted to follow the ways of Christ; yet they were not fully detached from the traditions of men. This accounts for why scriptures say my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Let us be clear: all scripture is written by the inspiration of the Spirit of God. God is true and there is no lie in Him. Hence, the Spirit inspired the writing according to the true facts of events as they happened and are detailed without any spiritual coloration. Now, if the initial covenant, which the Spirit inspired the documentation of, had no blemish, there would not have been need for the new covenant written by His inspiration as well. It is the understanding of this fact that illuminates the scripture in our hearts to understand the essence of the inspired word from Genesis to Revelation. And unless we capture the essence, there is the tendency to look at God through the prism of some of them that operated of old and assume God is who He is not and thereby get confused and fall away. It follows that whenever we read the Bible and we find something pointing to God but is against the tenets of love, it may have been written that we may find understanding in some latter part of the entire compendium.

Beloved, as you pray for yourself that God may give you knowledge and understanding of Himself, please pray for new converts also. Help them to understand that the fallacy of “faith is not a bar to fetish culture” is a lie of the devil aimed at pushing them into idolatry. When God was to send Moses to Pharaoh, He properly introduced Himself to Moses. He does not change. He can still reveal His person to anyone that seeks to know Him. We must realize that reading the letter of the word is not so profiting like getting the spirit behind it as we read. Let us therefore, be methodical in our search for knowledge of God by making sure we do so prayerfully. There is so much lie in the air meant to cause many to be deceived. Please pray that such lie be exposed and the true knowledge and understanding of God may be released unto you and all converts.

SOLUTION: Kindly understand that we are only able to achieve much through reliance of God by prayers. Seek the help of God in prayer therefore that you may know and understand Him; not just you, but others around you also.

Please pray: Father, we want to be able to relate properly with you and no other god. Please grant us deep knowledge and understanding of your person that we may never fall into error in Jesus’ name. Let not the power of hell draw us away from you in any way, in Jesus’ name.

If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.

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