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Pursue True And Pure Thoughts

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Philippians 4:8 - KJV

8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Ephesians 5:6-17


As he thinks in his heart, so is he, is the express word of the Lord as contained in the Bible. Therefore, it is clear that what a man ruminates over, ends up becoming his person or character. They that dwell on darkness in their thoughts end up manifesting darkness and there is no light in them. We all had, at one time or the other, dwelled on darkness in our thoughts. Even now, hardly is there a person alive who does not have an issue of darkness penetrating his heart from time to time. And this is why the Lord is emphasizing that we take a turn away from thinking or dwelling on dark thoughts, but allow the light of Christ to penetrate our hearts and dominate our thoughts that we may be virtuous and pure. The enemy knows how to sow tares in the hearts of men. When they dwell on it, then it spreads its stems of darkness and destruction.


When the devil wants to destroy a being, he first sends an evil thought into his heart. For instance, David had just saved king Saul from the sword of Goliath. Everybody was in a jubilant mood. Just then, some women sang giving greater accolade to David than the king. Rather than the king rejoicing for the goodness of God over his ‘son’, David, the devil sowed tares in his heart, saying what else would he take if not the kingdom, if they have started to thus praise him? Rather than brushing the dark thought off, the king dwelled on it and it grew into crass envy and hatred that made him want to murder the one that God used to rescue him. The thing that turned Gehazi into a leper was simply a thought he dwelled on. To him, his master must have been a fool to allow the Syrian General to return with all the goodies he brought. He thought it was better to surreptitiously collect them and hide them from the master. If he had brushed off the evil thought when the enemy first brought it up, perhaps it would have been written of him that he got double portion of Elisha’s spirit.


It is therefore, instructive to be guided against dark thoughts. Those things that people tell us to want to make us hate or detest our neighbor, are not good. When we dwell on them, they become our persons. On our daily walks in life, we need to clear our thoughts and dwell only on those things that are true. If it is untrue, it is not Christlike for Christ is the truth. If it is not good, it tends towards wickedness, hence we should stay away from it. If it is not pure, it becomes a contaminant and would take away our sanctity, if care is not taken. We ought therefore, to avoid it. If it is not of a good report, it means it has the tendency to make us the evil tale bearer. For as much as we do not want to be considered as the community’s evil gossiper, then we should not dwell on it. That is the Lord’s recipe for us today.


SOLUTION: Keep your thoughts pure always for from it the actions develop. Every sin is first developed in thought. Indeed, some thoughts are manifest sins themselves. For instance, looking lustfully at the opposite sex is sinful even though it is not fully consummated. Think good, think pure.


Please pray:

Father, I love you and I want to remain in your love forever. Thank you for first loving me by giving me life and offering me life eternal. Please help me to dwell on pure thoughts from now, in Jesus’ name. Do create a bar in my mind that prevents evil thoughts from coming into it, by the help of your Spirit. And, in all I do, let it be clear that I maintain a pure heart, that I my constantly have access to you, in Jesus’ name. On this very day, do not only bless me, but please do make me a blessing to many others by pulling down and destroying the devices of the evil one in many lives, in Jesus’ name.



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