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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Sanctified Heart?

Focus: 1 Peter 3:15 - KJV

15. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

1 Peter 3:13-17

Out of the heart of man comes the issues of life for from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It is the heart that confirms particularly through speech, what dwells in a man. Where a man carries in himself the Holy Spirit of God, the same is gentle and longsuffering in nature such that harsh words are seldom heard from him even in reaction to the meanest of attitudes. At no time did the Lord promise us ease with the world. Rather, He said we shall have tribulation in the world. So, when we present the good news of the Kingdom of God unto the world and they repay us with crass antagonism, the Lord expects us to be gentle about it, per adventure, our gentle strides would win the wicked unto righteousness. The fiery tongue will only succeed in pushing a potential convert away from the Kingdom. And such tongue is a product of the one who dwells on the inside. If you must do away with the fiery tongue, then you need to get your heart sanctified by allowing the Holy Spirit to in-dwell it, and Him alone. When you do so, the gentle Spirit in you will ensure that your tongue is gentle in giving response to those who have issues with your faith or calling. Then are you a true representative of God.

Please don’t get unduly aggravated in defending Kingdom matters. It is the mind of the enemy to aggravate you when he causes your audience or anyone among them to raise seemingly provocative issues. It is in your response that we decipher if you have sanctified God in your heart or not. That response that you are about to give next must be seasoned with salt: not in anger but in the gentleness of love and kindness despite the hostility. Then are you reckoned truly as Christ’s Ambassador.

SOLUTION: Be quick to hear but slow to respond. Never react to any provocation spontaneously. Let your response be in an attitude of love. Be kind and gentle in all you do.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, receive today the grace to be meek in the face of provocation. No devil will succeed in pushing you down through annoyance in Jesus’ name. You will not fail God but make Heaven to rejoice through your response and attitude in winning souls in the name of Jesus. The Spirit that dwells in you shall constantly give you joy in Jesus’ name.

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