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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Secret of longevity

Memorize: Psalms 91:16

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Read: Psalms 91:14-16

Life is short. But it is the prerogative of God to allow anyone He wills to spend a longer time on earth. There is a notion, though not expressly so stated in scripture, that Christ spent a very short time on earth so that man may be restored to longevity. I believe so too. Longevity is a long duration of individual life. David gave an insight into the source of longevity as setting one’s love upon God.

It is possible to look at some lives that were short-lived and say but why were they so cut short. God is the determiner of those who love Him. The fact of carrying the Holy Bible on the side always is not an indication of the love of God. Your feigning humility whilst carrying venom on the inside is also not. To love God is first to have His kind of heart towards Him and your fellow beings devoid of race and color. To love God is to put Him in the pride of place over all other beings. To love God is to disconnect from everything that contends against Him for your soul. It is to worship Him always in Spirit and truth. It is to be bonded to Him in all things that pertain to life. It is to do to your neighbor what you will have them do to you.

Showing the aspect of direct relationship with God is seemingly easy to portray for men to observe and assume there is great love for God. But how about the aspect of the neighbor? If you would that you be hungry and an affluent pass by you without assisting, then live as such; if you would that men see you homeless and close their unoccupied mansion to you, please so live; if you would that you be going through pain in ignorance and those that know better refuse to show you the way, then please so live.

It is only when you can eschew this evil and show greater love to your neighbor that God says you will call and He will answer and satisfy you with long life. Are you willing to live long? Then yield to God. Love is not a thing of lip service, it is of active service. Take care of the needy and preach the Gospel.


Father, you know all things that with my whole life I love you. I want to love you more. Please help my short comings regarding my relationship with my neighbor so that I may be perfect in your sight in Jesus name.

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